I don't even know where to begin. Each one of y'all have become a part of who I am. Small or big y'all have played a role in my life.
From the day I ran out to all those perfect faces, to this day I've always known that I picked the perfect home! Everyone is welcoming to whoever comes around. Y'all have the kindest souls and biggest hearts.
Y'all would go out of your way for any sister. No matter what you had going on, you'd be there at any time or place if there was a sister in need. And there wouldn't be just one, there would be ten others as well.
"Love that is ever steadfast" means more than just words. The love each and every single one of y'all give is immeasurable. There is always someone there with open arms.
The memories that have already been made and the ones that are to come. I can't wait to look back in ten years and talk about all of our times together.
Thank you for welcoming me home last semester. I wouldn't be half the person I am if I wasn't a Delta Zeta. There's been lots of change happening and without y'all, I'm not sure I would of gotten through it. There's a list of things that I could go on to say about y'all and our sisterhood but it'd take days to read it all. I hope y'all know how wonderful y'all are. I hope you know that our sisterhood is something special. I hope you know that I found my forever friends. I hope you know, you're all diamonds.
-Your Sister Always