Going away to college means that you have to leave your family and hometown friends behind and practically start over in a new home. It's terrifying and truthfully, I didn't know if I could do it. Now, as a second semester junior, I know that choosing Wesleyan was just what I needed.
Coming in as a music major meant that I would be in the same small scholarly environment as my all-girls high school, but someone Presser is entirely different. As cliche as it sounds, Presser truly is my family. Within it I have found a group of people whom I can trust and completely rely on.
On any given day, I can walk into the pit and know practically everyone in the room. It's important in college to find your support system, and for me it's my music friends. Since we're all going through the same BS and terrible school hours, they are usually understanding. My wonderful senior friends have watched out for me throughout the years and I honestly feel closer to the senior class than I do my own junior class.
There are some days when I absolutely hate being a music major. It's usually mid-semester when I'm eyeballs deep in rep and classes. It's then that I curse my talent and wish I could just be a full-time English major with nothing but books to read. Then, I'll attend an amazing Co-Choir rehearsal or my friends will make a joke that you would only find funny if you're a music major and I know I'm exactly where I belong.
You can't choose your family, but the one I've been stuck with is pretty okay. :)