If you're like me, you've probably heard from you parents "you're such a messy person", "it looks like you haven't cleaned your room in ages", etc. I don't know about you, but my chaos is also my peace, my tranquility and my organization.
My room can be clean for a good 24 hours before my cluttered organization returns to reign on top of the kingdom. However, something I've noticed, through the minefield that is known as my mess, I am able to find anything and everything with ease.
That takes me to the point, how can one person be so messy, yet be so organized?
Life lesson time: Could it be that someone who seems so shy, could be the life of a party when given the chance? Could it be that someone who doesn't pay attention in class studies their ass off in the library till the wee hours and come out with a 4.0 in that class? Could the big, intimidating jock really just be a teddy bear with an insane amount of kindness?
If there's anything I've learned to cherish in the past few years, its people with the genuine trait to not (get ready for the cliche quote) judge a book by its cover. Although we hear it all the time, many of us, me included, still tend to have first impressions on people based on their appearance or what we hear from others. It is these people who don't judge others right away, that I find myself clinging onto the most because no matter what, they have your back, and that only makes you want to reciprocate this to them, therefore starting a chain reaction of wanting to judge less.
Someone may look cluttered, but that someone may also be intelligent, happy, caring, etc. So many good things can come about from people if we start to realize that what is on outside doesn't necessarily have to match what we discover on the inside.
So (and here I go again) don't judge a book by its cover. Or in this case, don't judge a room by its clutter.