Everyone's idea of a role model is something different. For some, it's someone that mentored them. For others, it's a celebrity that they look up to. I've had many role models of these sorts, but one of my current role models is a little unconventional -
she's only 11 years old.
Can I look up to someone that's younger than me? I like to think I can. To me, a role model is someone who inspires me and shows me what type of person I'd like to be. By this definition, there should be no age limit on who can be a role model. That being said, I'd like to talk about one of my role models, my 11-year-old niece, Evie.
I was only 8 years old when Evie was born. She was the first girl of my 7 nieces and nephews, so we've always had a special girls' bond. We've had a lot of similar interests over the years - cheerleading, singing, and acting to name a few - so getting along seemed so easy for us.
I have a similar relationship with my aunts, so I would argue that this is what a typical (well, as typical as our atypical family can get) relationship between an aunt and her niece looks like. A special bond exists between the two - not quite a mother, not quite a sister, but some beautiful gray area where everything is wonderful. Basically what I'm saying is, I loved my niece automatically. However, as she's grown up, she's become so much more than just my niece.
Not to brag (who am I kidding, of course I'm bragging. It's my niece!!), but my niece is an extremely talented young lady! She's been in multiple singing competitions, one of which she won a pretty sweet cash prize, and several theater productions. As if being an elementary school kid in a high school musical wasn't awesome enough, she takes it a step further. She's had speaking parts and solos in a many of the ones she's been in, and beat out high school girls for the lead role in the one she's currently in. At only 11, she has all the talent I wish I had through high school. She never ceases to amaze me.
Though I'm very proud of Evie and all of her accomplishments, I have to say that what I love most about her is the incredible young woman she's becoming. While showing off her talent, she still remains a humble person. She's never full of herself, and always works to better herself. She holds a close relationship with the Lord, always serving Him and helping to share His light with the world. Evie's also one of the kindest people I've had the privilege of meeting. She'll be the first to sit with you if you're sitting alone, she never judges someone based on a difference between the two of them, and she forgives and accepts simply because she believes that's something everyone deserves. These are the reasons that my niece is one of my biggest role models. I strive to be as genuine and goodhearted of a person as she is.
With all the ugliness that surrounds us in this world, I often worry what the next generation will hold. I can only hope that, as they grow up, the kids of today will base their ideals on the good that exists, and work to put an end to hate and suffering. My niece shows me that my hopes are being fulfilled. She shows me that even though some things are grim, it is still possible to find beauty. Evie is not just a role model for me. She's a role model for older generations who hope for a better tomorrow, to other young ladies and gentlemen trying to find their way this craziness called life, and to my new niece that's on the way and will need strong women to show her how to tackle any problem that comes her way with poise and integrity. At 11 years old, Evie does what most people what most people spend an entire lifetime trying to do: she inspires.
Aunt Jordan loves ya Evie! You're the bomb.com.