A Response To Tomi Lahren's "Final Thoughts" On The Women's March On Washington | The Odyssey Online
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A Response To Tomi Lahren's "Final Thoughts" On The Women's March On Washington

It's not all about being a Feminist here; it's about being human.

A Response To Tomi Lahren's "Final Thoughts" On The Women's March On Washington

Dear Tomi:

How dare you, Tomi. How dare you feel the need to sit in front of a camera and tell millions of people — millions of women, — that they have no business in protesting for their rights. How dare you continue to justify your closed-minded opinion on feminism and people executing their basic rights from the First Amendment? I do not understand why you think that this subject is just so black and white when, clearly, this subject bleeds every color in the spectrum. Well, if you just so happen to still not see why your "final thoughts" send red flags all over the board, let me just give an outline and list of everything wrong and degrading that you have said in the video.

Let's start from the beginning. You begin the video mentioning the women's movement as if you are SO annoyed by it and that you just wish everyone would not even mention the term. Because you are clearly an avid fan of Trump and see that he has never/could never do anything wrong, you had to include the detail that the marches were right after not just his inauguration but rather the "Fair and Free Election" of Donald Trump. Yes, the marches in the United States were evidently a response to the results of the election, but you ALWAYS fail to even bother to address WHY many women feel they do -- and calling women or those who support women's rights "whiny" doesn't count. Since you think that this movement wasn't "constructive," then tell me why there were numerous sister marches around the world? With more than "600 countries scheduled" to have these marches, up to "two million people" were predicted to participate in these movements around the world. Speaking of this being a worldwide movement, your "...snowflakes were taken aback by the election results" comment is pretty ignorant as well. You think this movement was just to "show little girls around the country they too can play the victim card, and that their greatest contribution to society [was] to continue to whine about the election they too can aspire to protesting a man in the presidency, that both hardworking male and females put into office"? No, see, if you weren't so oblivious, the issue of women's rights and human rights isn't just stemming from this presidential election nor is it even a new issue. No, it is way bigger than our first-world problems. You clearly think that was what the marches were about and its that persona of yours that shows "little girls" that if they are done genuinely wrong, in the end to just get over it. You know, brush it off and it's their fault if they use that to fuel that fire inside of them to do something so that they are not mistreated.

Yes, there are many who have cried and wept behind closed doors, but that doesn't mean anything now and they see it. To me, this looks like action is finally being taken by women worldwide who are TIRED of being silent and those who are TIRED OF BEING FORCED to be silent. It takes unconditional courage to stand up against oppression and for you to brush off that antic by saying, "...when they finally stopped crying..." looks like, to me, that you clearly cannot empathize with anyone who has gone through rough times in their life. If you were to see someone fall, you'd take that and condemn them for being weak and for falling short a few times and turn your back; yet you'd disregard the fact that they can regain their strength and could be standing up right behind of you.

To continue, in order for you to validate Donald, you must always contrast him with Hillary. Sure, let's go ahead and play the game of "Which Presidential Candidate is Worse: Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton: Tomi Lahren Edition." First off, those who voted for either Clinton and Trump understood all the baggage that came with the candidate of their choice, yet voted for the one who he or she felt they could relate to the most and whom they felt would benefit them, their families, and America the most. Second of all, no one, whether one voted for Trump or Clinton, should justify either ones' poor and selfish and senseless decisions that were made or were accused to be made. Where you always fulfill your ego is to bring up Hillary and leaders of Saudi Arabia and them perhaps "befriending" one another or by bringing up Hillary being married to a man who has cheated on her and has "humiliated her" and sarcastically remarking that as "empowerment," however, that is not the case. What is empowering is to be bold and stand up for women's rights and human rights and continue to show, with the support of her husband Bill, support for imperative issues like this. What is empowering is to have the guts to run and try to become the first female president in the history of the United States and get farther than any other woman has gotten in the race to the White House. Since you are such a political guru and you wholeheartedly have a genuine concern for several issues, and you even have a segment for you to rant and express those words from inside of you, you should take all that energy and become involved in politics and political change instead of sitting behind a desk belittling others who are actually taking action against what they believe is fair and just. While they are doing that, you continue to tell your "Final Thoughts" with a charming smile, give opinions that decry minorities including women or those who don't simply agree with your blind antics, all the while continuing to be influenced by, let's just say, black culture and other cultures because you see fit to find some comfort by obtaining the approval from society. Also while you enjoy mentioning the claims of Hillary and her partaking in affairs with a country who "not only oppressed women and gays but human rights as a whole," um, didn't Donald Trump clearly show that he favors his relationship with Vladimir Putin and not only shows it with televised meetings, smiles, and handshakes, but also with the people whom he has chosen as some of his Cabinet members such as Rex Tillerson or his new national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Trump would rather befriend a country and its president who are taking serious efforts in passing a Russian bill that would make domestic violence legal. Yes, it is seen as normal to be hit or better yet beaten physically. The bill stops short of rape or being beaten with serious bodily harms, and despite how some of its people see that it is a problem, they have a hotline for those who need it, however, that still will not help. None of that matters. See, in the end, this shows how judgmental society can be about women. Women are seen as the problem-makers, but are criticized by being told they're too loud or "not lady like" or sissies when they take a stance and become active. Well, Tomi, you show that same judgmental attitude in this video.

What you lack an understanding of is that, these marches do not just pertain to a specific type of woman. They shouldn't only invite sole Liberals, antagonists of Sarah Palin or Ivanka Trump or women who see the number one priorities is to have free abortions and birth control, and the marches did not. Thank you for stereotyping, but tell me why that if these marches attracted the same type of women, how come it recorded the numbers that it did all across the nations in many different areas of the countries and not just the 'liberal' ones. The issue is bigger than just women, gender rights, and equality and that's what you just don't understand. These marches brought unity, which is something that you are not open to at all because all you do is look at one side of every issue and raise your annoying voice so that someone can give you attention and credit. For you to have a degree in Journalism and whatever else, you often don't sound educated, you sound engaged but only to certain point where you see fit. And what makes all of this even worse is that you don't want to try and listen to other people who share different opinions than you. You don't have to agree, but at least listen. No one should "purposely ignore" others who see different than them, but you do and other people who share the same attitude as you do, too.

For God's sake, you too are a woman and, sure, you see many women as babies with a thin skin, or with a "snowflake interior," but can you for ONCE look at the bigger picture here. There is a universal issue with the oppression of women as well as inequality worldwide and instead of putting down your ego and your fake holistic views for one day (or even half a day), you would much rather sit back and find ALL OF THE WRONG, and UNIMPORTANT PROBLEMS that you could possibly think of. You don't just have to take a stance on oppression just because you were oppressed yourself, but rather you see all the damage it has caused. Women didn't just march around worldwide because they wanted to but because they had to! If no one else will speak up, who will? Speak up for those women and young girls in Africa and the Middle East, for example. These are not the only places where female genital mutilation is as common as women being subjected to men and not having the right to vote. See, there is NOT one "mold for empowerment" a woman fits. Because all women are different, so do not categorize everyone the same. It'll be interesting to see how you respond if someone belittles you or better yet, tells you not to be strong in the toughest times of your life or stand up to what is right or wrong. Better yet Tomi, I know, just sit there, be pretty and privileged and wait for someone else to take action.

Oh yeah, don't cry either that's too weak. Just "deal with it."

So Tomi, my "Final Thoughts" are to JUST STOP IT. All you do with your platform is continue to divide women and Americans in general. You are the most unrelatable person on an American television screen. What you need to do is speak with at least 100 other women, who are not like you and live differently than you, who struggle differently than you, people whose life gets in the way and then come back on the television screen and try not to diminish the importance of the marches. Wait, never mind, that still won't happen because you wouldn't even be able to help yourself in finding those privileged problems of yours. The problems people "boo-hoo" about are REAL, so get off your high horse in 2017 and take some real action, NOT BEHIND A DESK.

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