When I first saw the news, I thought it wasn’t real (probably because I was in denial). I have been watching “Castle” since my freshman year of high school. I randomly watched it after an episode of “Dancing with the Stars” and immediately went into OCD mode, which I’m sure many of you know as ‘Obsessive Castle Disorder.’ Now I’m almost done with my junior year in college. Ever since high school, my dream was that “Castle” would be there until at least after I graduated college. To be able to turn on the TV Monday night at 10:00 and ignore everything else going on in life, to focus on these characters I love and invest in so much, is what makes Monday the best day of the week. For this show to get me through eight years of school was my wish… and it might still happen, just in a different way.
First, let’s talk about the beautiful Tamala Jones. For the past couple of seasons, it feels as if we haven’t seen much of our lovely ME. Every episode she isn’t in, I notice. On top of that, we don’t see the friendship between Beckett and Lanie anymore. In a sad way, I already feel like she’s left, so whenever Lanie pops up in an episode this season, I get super ecstatic. Now that she’ll actually be gone makes me even sadder.
When it comes to Beckett, I truly can’t say much. She’s the lead. She’s the smart, remarkable, extraordinary, and badass woman we love so much. Stana Katic is one of the main reasons there is so much heart and soul in this show. We love her.
Am I upset that if we get a season nine Beckett and Lanie won’t be a part of it? You bet I am; but all of the negativity and hate that people are giving to ABC isn’t necessary. To start, this show is not called “Beckett” or “Castle and Beckett.” I know people are angry; I totally get that. However, I want to remind you that you love Castle, too, or you wouldn’t be watching the show. Don’t you want to continue to watch his story? Are you going to turn against Castle because Beckett won’t be there? I’m not. Am I going to like not seeing Beckett? Heck, no. (I’ll especially miss Stana’s hair, like, 24/7.) Am I worried about where they’re going to go with the show after she’s gone? Yup. But I’m not going to tear down the idea yet. I’m going to stick around for the characters I love that are still there. If I don’t like the new season after a few episodes, then I’ll stop watching.
Again, I understand people’s anger. I have spent a lot of my time watching/talking/obsessing over this show, and I know how it feels: it sucks and it seems unfair. However, for those starting protests to just make ABC cancel the show altogether because they think no one will watch is also unfair. It is unfair to those of us who will keep an open mind. It is possible that you could ruin the chance for others to enjoy and continue to stay faithful to the show. Some of you may argue that sticking up for Beckett is faithful – and it is, but only to the character, not the show.
The two things I want to say to ABC is this: thanks for letting us keep Beckett this long and, hey, maybe a spin off with Ryan and Esposito or Alexis and Hayley would be cool. Castle could still be a part of that, but Beckett wouldn’t need to be there, though we all wish she were.
It is also important to remember that none of us know the truth, the 100% sure reason why these talented women are leaving. Yeah, articles say “budgetary reasons,” but that does not mean you know the full story. Perhaps they don’t have enough money to keep Stana and pay her what she’s worth and so they’re choosing to let her go. Don’t you want to let Stana have the opportunity to do new things? (And I’ll be there following her wherever she goes.) Remember, it isn’t worth getting worked up over things that are out of our control.
Whether you stay around for the possible ninth season or not, I want to remind you to not forget about your love for the show that is on now. If you have already decided to not watch, that’s fine; enjoy your hour in a new and different way, but don’t possibly ruin it for potential new viewers or fans like me who are willing to stick around and give it a try.
I’m just as passionate about this show as everyone else. I’ll hate that our beloved characters won’t be a part of the ‘Castle’ story anymore, but I can support them as they go, wherever they go, and also support the cast that stays.
I hope I’ve given you a new perspective on things and I’ll leave you with this: Isn’t this the show that taught us “endings are inevitable?”