When I was younger, I lived in fear of never being good enough. It was never anything that anyone told me to discourage me, it was always a personal battle within myself. I was my biggest critic, my biggest doubter. I've always said I'm going to be a singer. That is still my life's biggest goal. I've recently just gotten over those fears. Those fears that told me no matter how many people tell that I'm talented, I still constantly doubt myself. Simply having daily thoughts of, "Am I really good enough?" If I dreamed of being a writer, my mind would tell me that I'm not creative enough. I loved the weather growing up, so when I started school, my major was Meteorology, until I convinced myself that I would never pass all of the math that I took to get that degree. So I changed my major to Journalism. In the long run, I'm thankful that I did, but fear of failure kept me from that aspiration.
One day I was sitting in my room and a simple word came to me, "Golden." It took me almost a week to understand what God was trying to tell me. He was trying to tell me that I'm beautiful, I'm good enough, talented enough, creative, smart - he was telling me that I was "Golden."
I am no longer afraid to encourage myself or remind myself of all of the amazing things that God has created me to be. When I slip up and forget that I am His child, I create a list. A list that keeps me grounded, and encourages me to never forget whose I am, and what I am worth.
My reminder list consists of:
1. God's plans are meant for you to follow, not dictate.
2. God loves you more than you know!
3. Remember your self-worth!
4. Confidence is key!
5. Never forget that you are blessed!
7. Think first, react last.
8. Believe in your brilliance!
9. You're beautiful!
10. Focus.
11. Ambition means no matter what, keep pushing!
12. Mistakes happen!
13. You talk so much because you have the most to say!
14. Don't be afraid of failure.
15. You're talented.
16. Don't forget to love yourself
17. You're smart no matter how goofy you are.
18. You will always be good enough for God.
19. Unlock hidden talents that God blessed you with.
20. Keep improving your everyday relationships.
21. Smile!
22. Encourage others.
23. Encourage yourself!
24. You succeed in life by just being yourself!
27. PRAY!
26. You CAN and you WILL!
Though this article was meant to share a little of my personal reflections, anyone who happens to make it to the bottom, I just want you to know something: anything that you are going through, go through it remembering that it’s for a reason, and nothing in life is ever done in vain. Every tear, every trial, every tribulation, struggle, and mishap are all for a bigger purpose. Remember that one day it will all make sense. So, for now, smile through the pain, and remind yourself of all the amazing qualities you know you possess, starting with, “I’m Golden.”