In the early hours of November 9, 2016, it was revealed that our next President of the United States would be Republican candidate Donald Trump.
I am 18 years old, and this was my first election that I could ever vote in. Let me tell you, it has been an experience. As I am sure many have noticed, this election has been one like no other. It has tore people apart, has been focused on scandal, and has been based on hate. It surely will be one to go down in history.
I'm going to flat out say it. Yes, I voted for Donald Trump.
But since he won, I am not jumping for joy, bragging or gloating. In fact, I really haven't seen any people I know gloating about him winning either, aside from the occasional "Trump!" or "Make America Great Again!" post. Unfortunately, I have seen a lot of posts from those who did not vote for Trump. And I'm sad to say, they are not kind.
Now, I'm not categorizing anyone. I'm not saying all those who voted for Hillary Clinton or a 3rd party are acting this way. But of what I have seen, this has been the case. I just feel the need to let some thoughts out about this and what people are saying.
I am not looking for a fight. I am entitled to my opinion just like you are to yours. However, when you start calling people names and so on, then it is just cruel and uncalled for. Since I am a writer, and this is my outlet, I feel the need to share my thoughts. If you disagree with me, please refrain from hateful comments. If you honestly feel the need to, go ahead. I am not bashing anyone. I can take mean words. If you feel the need to unfollow me or block me, go ahead. That would just prove my point even more. This is going to be long, but bear with me.
So, here it goes.
During the election, and even more so after the fact, many of those against Trump have honestly shown nothing but disrespect and hate towards those who do. Perhaps this is why no one expected him to win. There were many silent Trump voters because they were afraid of being judged. Again, not categorizing, but from what I have seen this is the case. Trump signs have been stolen and vandalized, his star on The Walk of Fame was destroyed and people have been labeled horrible things for supporting him. Before voting, someone I know said that Jesus Christ would be ashamed of you for voting for Donald Trump and that He would vote for Hillary. People I thought were my friends have attacked me saying race matters and that I am a racist, meanwhile they constantly talk about "white people" and bash them. I have been unfriended and blocked for my views.
Now, here are some things I have seen people say since Trump won:
"Christians are bible thumping racists for voting for Trump." "Everyone who voted for him are racist, narcissistic, white Americans." "Being a racist, bigoted, prejudice, lying sexual predator is more acceptable than being a woman." "America is so racist and misogynistic." "Trump supporters want a world where blacks can't vote and have full rights and where everyone hates gays." "If you voted for Trump explain to your LGBT+, female, black, latino/a, and Muslim friends why they don't matter to you." "You voted for someone who is supported by the KKK." "White privilege is voting for Trump, and you are racist." "If you voted for Trump, you voted against me, my future, my happiness and my well being." "The country has voted for the oppression of LGBT's, minorities and women's rights." "So many Americans are racist, sexist and xenophobic." "If you voted for Trump, I hate you, I don't care about your opinion and you should unfriend me." "I'm so afraid for my life as a woman." "White people vote against their interest so blacks can't get a leg up." "Trump endangers me and my daughter's well being and rights." "If you voted for Trump you said it is okay for boys to talk to girls like they are not human." "I no longer have a future to look forward to." "If you vote for Trump you are so misguided." "Your vote told so many people that you hate them and don't care about their quality of life." "If you voted for Trump, people are allowed to bash you and say what they want because that choice reflects poorly on your character." "I'm leaving the country." "You will never be my President. I will never support you." There were so many other posts too that have much more name calling and words that are not appropriate for me to say. Also, I have seen videos of riots. People are cursing out Trump and burning American flags. For crying out loud, the Canadian immigration site crashed.
Is this a joke? No. These are words and actions people have said and done. If you see something you said or shared and are upset, you posted it on social media for the world to see. So, oh well.
I understand you may be upset. I understand you may not have expected this to happen. But is there really a need for grief counseling to be happening due to Clinton's loss? Is there really a reason for you to be un-friending people you have known for years? Is it necessary for you to be cruel?
You hate Trump and say he is a mean, horrible person. How does you bashing people make you any better than him? Trump is not perfect. He says things he shouldn't sometimes. He goes to extremes. I'm sure you have said some things you regret. I'm sure you have done things your regret. We all have done or said bad things. I'm sure you have made inappropriate comments. I'm sure Hillary Clinton has too. No one is perfect. Both candidates were flawed. Why judge so harshly for things that happened in the past? If you are so against Trump and say he is full of hate, then why are you now displaying so much hate? Didn't you all keep saying that love trumps hate? Where is that now?
We should not hate one another. We should love one another. God calls us all to love one another. Mark 21:31 says to love your neighbor as yourself. You are allowed to be upset, but do not let this divide our nation. This is when we need to come together as a nation and pray for Donald Trump. Even Clinton said we need to have an open mind and support him. You posting hateful words is not going to change anything. He is our next president and that is that.
Me voting for Trump does not make me a racist. It does not mean I have poor character. It does not mean people are allowed to say hurtful words to me. How does that make sense? Having a different opinion does not give you the right to be cruel.
And another thing. Obviously those of color have endured racism and discrimination in the past and now. But who are you to tell us we do not understand what you are going through? There are people who have endured sexual assault, depression, anxiety, cancer, etc. and you don't know what they are going through. Everyone endures things not everyone understands. That does not make you better than anyone or more able to say things. No one is better than anyone. Yes, whites cannot ever understand the slavery and racism people of your race have endured, but you didn't personally endure it either. Donald Trump becoming president does not take away your rights. It does not take away your future. The same goes for LGBT+ and women. I am a woman. I'm not afraid. And honestly, don't for a second say it's because I am straight and white. Don't pull that card. I know people of all races and orientations who voted for Trump.
Also, I highly doubt his being president is going to be as bad as everyone is thinking. You do not need to be so afraid. He is just a man. He can't be a dictator. He still has to go through checks and balances and other people. First off all don't be so scared and freaking out right now because Obama is still president. The day after he was elected doesn't suddenly mean you can't be who you are. Second of all, why be afraid? Trump never said he hates Muslims, or gays, or anyone else. Media twists and puts words into his mouth. Trump is not going to make slavery come back. He isn't going to take away my right as a woman to vote. He isn't going to make rape legal. Him becoming president isn't going to make people think certain things are okay to do. And if people do think that way, then they have problems. If someone thinks they can say or do things because Trump did in his past, then they're an idiot. He isn't going to make blacks not be able to vote. He isn't going to deport every single immigrant in the nation. He is not going to become a dictator. With how far we have come with gay marriage, do you honestly think he will repeal it? I don't. He may not agree with it, but I do not think that will be something he takes away. Clinton once didn't believe in gay marriage, and you all voted for her. Times change.
Be proud to be an American. If you honestly want to leave, then leave. You burning the American flag is so disrespectful. If you are burning the flag that thousands have died for for your freedom, then get out. If you feel the need to do that, you aren't an American. I don't want to bash people and be mean. I'm not trying to do that at all, but really? Why is there so much hate? You can be upset for a little while, but things are getting to be very extreme. Some of you are saying horrible things about Trump and his supporters. And they are worse things than Trump has EVER said about anyone. Some of you are sending death threats. I mean honestly, what the heck is with that?
Some people didn't like Bush. Some people didn't like Obama, but there were no riots. They did not bash people. They did not say "You aren't my President." And guess what? Rioting and posting mean things and saying he isn't your president isn't going to change anything. You have a right to say you are going to stand strong, but it isn't going to change that he IS going to be president. If Hillary won do you honestly think people would be acting in the same way? No. I honestly don't think so. Because you can't change it. It is what it is. And aren't Democrats supposed to be a party of tolerance? This isn't being very tolerant. It's being hypocritical. You hate a man who is mean, yet you are endorsing the mean things he said by acting this way as well. Nothing is going to change that he won. You can have a voice, but he will still be president. We still all have to respect that. People didn't like past presidents, so why now is this happening? Because the one we elected to be president as a nation is a little outrageous?
Why is this so insane?
Why are we making such a huge deal about this? I feel like people are over reacting a bit. Then again, we are a nation who has been mourning the death of a gorilla for about 6 months now.
Another thing I'd like to point out is that my voting for Trump is not saying I am supporting the KKK, racist or sexist. It does not mean the country finds it okay for a "racist, sexist man" to be president rather than a woman. Honestly, that should not even be a factor! And that is what bothers me! You should have voted based on policy. I hate that people voted for Trump because they hate Hillary. I hate that people voted for Hillary just because she is a woman. What happened to voting based on policy and ideas for the well being of the nation? Why does it even matter that she is a woman or he says outrageous comments? It is not saying one is better than the other. It should have been based on policy. Hillary not winning isn't saying we are sexist. People just voted for Trump, he won and that is that.
If you voted for Trump, you are not telling minorities that you hate them. That is absurd. You voted for someone. How does that show bad character? You exercised your right to vote. When people voted for Trump, do you honestly think they said, "Wow I hate black people, gays and immigrants so I'm voting for Trump!" NO. THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN! My voting for Trump doesn't destroy your future. I didn't do it out of spite. Are you serious? How does my voting for a person say I don't care about the quality of people's lives? How does this say I don't care about my friends who may be Muslim or a woman or of a different race or gay? How does it make me not a Christian? Sure, there are some radical, racist people out there. But why are so many people saying ALL of those who voted for Trump are this way?
It really saddens me. Someone posted that it saddens them Christians voted for Trump. Well, it saddens me that many of my Christian friends are sharing words of hate and destruction toward someone who did not vote for the candidate they did.
And honestly, I am a little scared. I am scared for this nation. Not because Trump will be president, but because of how people are acting. There is so much hate. There is violence. And I am afraid for what is going to happen. I am sad for our country because all the love is gone. We need to forgive. God has forgiven all of our sins. Forgive Trump for things he has said and done in the past. Forgive people for saying mean things. Forgive, forget and love.
Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Live in the way of MLK. Live in the way God wants you to. Love. Pray. Agree to disagree. Pray for both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Pray for your party and the other party. Pray for relationships to be reconciled. Pray for the nation. Come together united. Do not let this rip us apart.
God Bless America.