Ever since I graduated high school in 2012, I've come across an issue that really should't be an issue.
That issue is that I am no longer relevant.
Whether it be on social media or through my friends, I find myself constantly up to to date on the issues surrounding the United States and Hollywood. But there comes a point that I feel that no one is really listening to what I have to say...or tweet...or anything really.
What is it with ourselves trying to be popular?
Girl posting butts on instagram for a like and a follow, and on twitter a fellow foodie just wanting some nuggets from Wendy's. That last one made headlines across the globe for some reason. Just because of chicken nuggets..Ladies and Gentleman, I have a problem.
I've always wanted to be one of those social media influencers with thousands of followers and millions of subscribers on a youtube channel. But, that hasn't happened yet. No, I haven't had the confidence or whatever to make videos or post original thoughts on twitter, but when I do, no one really...cares.
Yeah thats the word. Why, you ask? Well, maybe you're thinking that he doesn't have enough active followers that tweet or etcetera. No, I do, but when it comes to that, people just really don't care what others have to say. I am that type of person that is more like a background character in a movie, that doesn't really talk or do anything of importance. I am the one of the few that really don't care to make such a fuss, besides writing this article. I'm no Kanye West or Carter Wilkerson of Chicken nugget fame, no.
I am Austin freaking Williams of Rochester.
Ny fame. I love pizza, taking photos and being a generally nice human being. I don't really care for the follows that I get or the subscribers I will get once I start up my youtube channel again. I have a life outside of this kitten photo obsessed place we call the internet.
I will always be relevant to myself, my family and my significant other.