Okay, so to be honest, others and myself see me as pretty intelligent.
I work my butt off like anyone else that is in the classroom next to me, listening to whatever professor drone on and on about. This is the part of the semester where final exams are all anyone is talking and freaking out about.
However, there are two types of finals that some find to be easier and less painful. Those types would be open note exams or just a final reflection on what you have learned this semester. Both sound great, but sometimes I come to realize how much I have really do not listen. That fact really comes down to the final reflection.
Most people I know would probably say I am crazy for even talking bad about an easy paper for a final. Yeah it may be easy for them.
I have encountered a slight problem in the process of trying to write such paper. You know when you have not really been paying attention all year, but at the same time you have been taking notes and you go to write the paper without them and you have no idea what you're going to say because you cannot remember a damn thing? Yep, that is me right about now in my life.
I was feeling proud of myself for going ahead and doing my final reflection paper for music...until I realized I have no idea what we went over without my notes in front of me. So because of this, I am currently sitting here feeling pretty stupid for zoning out 99% of time in there.
There is a lesson in all of this....do not, I repeat DO NOT be like me and color or read in a class when you really should be listening. This also shows that you can never be to smart to not listen in class. Don't be like me and have personal problems with this because you're to be busy catching up on your Charles Dickens.