My Personal '13 Reasons Why' | The Odyssey Online
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My Personal '13 Reasons Why'

These reasons are quite different than Hannah Baker's.

My Personal '13 Reasons Why'
Refinery 29

I think we can all agree that this show has been a massive topic on social media since its recent release. I personally just finished it, and I think the show is an incredible representation of most high schools in America. Suicide was a topic that needed to be blatantly discussed and pointed out in the news, so I'm glad that this show accomplished that.

However, it took me to my darkest high school places. It made me feel so bad for anyone I could've ever hurt, and resent anyone who hurt me. So right now, writing this merely minutes after finishing the series, I'm writing my own version of "13 Reasons Why." Except for mine? They're 13 Reasons to Stay Alive. 13 of my life's greatest blessings.

This is in no way meant to seem like bragging. I just feel that after watching the show, viewers will inevitably feel negative. This article isn't for me to boast about my fantastic life, it's to help every reader realize just how blessed they are.

1. My faith.

I know that not everyone who chose to read this article is a Christian, but I am. And God has been and continues to be my greatest blessing, because without His guidance I'm not sure what my life would look like.

2. My family.

Hannah Baker's parents cared for her so incredibly much on the show, and it truly made me realize just how much my parents care for me. I have such a lucky family background, because my parents are still married and in love with each other. The love that I feel in my home, from my parents, sister and grandparents -- it's boundless. It's my greatest blessing here on Earth.

3. Genuine friends.

Genuine friends are difficult gems to find, and I've managed to be blessed with several. For people who haven't found their closest friends yet, they exist. I promise. A true friend is a life-changing blessing. Friends who knows you better than you know yourself, who will laugh with you and cry with you, pray with you and for you -- they're a true blessing.

4. My passions.

I have so many passions in this world. Some people go through life in a more passive way. I was blessed to be raised by parents who ignited the flame for my passions, and didn't force me to be typical. My passions make me who I am, and I'm proud of that.

5. My potential and freedom.

I love to complain about our government just as much as the next millennial, but we live in America. America is a nation with some of the greatest opportunities in the world just waiting on you to take advantage of them. My potential makes me excited to be alive. I have no idea what the future holds, but my chance to decide is definitely a reason to feel blessed to be alive.

6. My love of my school.

My college is the greatest. I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to choose where I wanted to spend my four undergraduate years, and I most definitely made the right decision.

7. My past.

Yes, believe it or not, that's a blessing. While it's cliche to say that my past got me where I am today, it's incredibly true. And I love my life so much now that, in retrospect, dealing with the hell that high school brought on seems completely OK to me now.

8. My sorority.

My sorority, Pi Beta Phi, has already served to be one of my largest blessings in life. My sisters are my home away from home. They're there for me. We share the same values, and I always feel encouraged to be my very best when I'm around my sorority sisters.

9. My home.

Before leaving for college, I was fed up with my small hometown and feeling rather suffocated. But now that I go to school far away, I realize just how much I love my home and where I grew up -- it shaped me into who I am today.

10. Food.

In my opinion, food is one of life's greatest blessings. And I don't just mean the food itself, which is usually delicious, no matter the meal. I mean the fellowship that's associated with food. You eat with your family, your friends and your significant other. You share chips and salsa and talk about your days. I think food time is irreplaceable time. Meal time is my favorite part of any day, and not just because of the food.

11. Sunshine.

I know, silly that sunshine would be on my list. But the sun makes me so happy. It's warm glow on my skin makes me feel so alive. So happy to be alive. I like to think of sunshine as my personal cheerleader, shining down on me and bringing me light wherever I go.

12. Being in nature.

Many people don't regard nature as a blessing. They're bothered by sunshine, sweat, and insects. But for me, nature is calming. Nature is where I feel closest to God, and it's where I always go to find balance. Being in nature is one of my life's greatest blessings, and one of my main passions in life.

13. Animals.

My golden retriever is amazing, she brings me so much happiness and companionship. Animals generally bring people happiness, it's why a lot of people love the zoo or volunteering at the animal shelter. Humans love to love animals!

These are my 13 biggest blessings in my life. Yours may be different, but I assure you that your life is blessed in ways that you won't realize until you sit down and think about it. Try making this list, it will help you to realize all of the great things in your life!

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