Hey. I hope you can see this, because I'm writing it just for you.
I miss you. I want you to know that I'm ok, I'm happy, and that I'll never forget you.
I'll never forget coming to your house every holiday to eat your food and laugh with you.
I'll never forget sitting on your lap to mess up your hair, only to have you pull your comb out of your pocket and fix it right after.
I'll never forget the smell of pine on your shirt when you would hug me after you'd come inside from cutting down Christmas trees at the farm.
I'll never forget looking into your blue eyes and feeling like there wasn't an ocean anywhere in the world that could be bluer or more beautiful.
But most importantly, I'll never forget the impact you had on my life.
You helped me realize how to be strong. When I was little, I didn't know how to interpret your advice. Now that I'm older, I know exactly what you meant every time you would tell me a story. You were always teaching me a lesson whether it be in how you acted or in what you said.
You made me learn how to cherish the little things in life. The smallest things would put a smile on your face. You never took anything, or any moment, for granted. I want to make the best of every situation and find the joy in everything, just like you did.
More than anything, you helped me learn how to live every moment like it's my last. You were gone so suddenly that I never got to say goodbye. Little do you know, by leaving this world so soon, you helped me learn how to cherish every moment I have with loved ones. I don't want to go a day without saying 'I love you' to those I care about, because I may never see them again.
You've been gone for what seems like an eternity. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time just to hear your laugh one more time.
I'm scared that one day your voice will completely fade out of my memory, but I pray to God it never will. I don't think it will though ... how could I ever forget how you used to call me your "little dickens" and tickle me every time I would act up?
Thank you for being my guardian angel. You have led me closer to God. I know you're looking down on me with a smile on your face and I hope I'm making you proud.
Although I know you're watching over me, I wish you could see me now ... in person, that is. I wish you could see all that I've accomplished throughout the years. I wish you could have seen me walk at my high school graduation. I wish you could have helped me learn how to drive. I wish you could have met my best friends. I wish you could be here to see me get married one day and to see me start a family of my own.
I wish I could hear your voice, look into your perfect blue eyes, or mess up your hair just one last time.
But regardless of what I wish, I know you'll always be by my side, even if it's just in spirit.
I love you, don't forget it. Say hi to God for me, too. I hear He's a pretty great guy, just like you.