The moment I turned 16, I was looking for a part-time job. Not because I needed it, but because I wanted it. My first job was in a tiny accessories store, and it wasn't fun cleaning up all the tiny earrings that would fall, or untangle the necklaces. However, getting my first paycheck made it all worth it. It couldn't have been more than $100, but I could finally treat my mom to lunch. That feeling was wonderful. I could buy myself things without having to ask my parents for money. When I was little, if I wanted money, I had to earn it by doing chores and getting good grades.
Now, I'm not saying that my parents don't pay for anything. They do. My family lives very comfortably thanks to my parents' hard work. We have a roof over our heads, food on the table and everything I could have ever asked for growing up. My parents pay for me, but they don't just hand money over. I hated when people would say, "Your parents pay for everything." They don't. Yes, they pay for my food and shelter, that's because I live with them. Yes, they bought me a new car for my 18th birthday, but I didn't ask for it; they wanted to give it to me. Yes, they are paying for my apartment in college, but I didn't ask for it. I am very grateful that I have parents who are very kind and generous, but they have also taught me to work for what I want.
They bought me a car, but I pay for my own gas, insurance and any repairs the car will need. I have to furnish my apartment out of my own pocket. Groceries will be out of my pocket. My parents are helping me get a start on living on my own, and I will forever be thankful. If I want to go out with friends, I pay for it. I rarely ask my parents for money because I know how hard they have worked to achieve what they have. We live the way we do thanks to their hard work. They have instilled in me that mentality; with hard work, you can achieve your goals. They support me with my schoolwork, but it was me who earned the scholarships. I put in the hard work to achieve my own goals. So yes, Mom and Dad may pay for me, but I am grateful that we can afford those luxuries.
I hope that when I become a parent, I will be able to provide for my children like my parents have provided for our family. I am so lucky to have parents who are very supportive of my ambitions and goals but that have also inspired me to always want more. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything.