My Opinion on Abortion.
Abortion is not the enemy. Now, before you go on and undoubtedly get angry, read through this. There's a cute puppy video at the end! :)
I know, the most controversial topic imaginable... Or at least one of the top topics. This is what gets people all fired up for no reason. Some people have religious problems about abortion, and some moral problems about it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m going to get a bunch of crap for this opinion, but YOUR OPINION DOES NOT MATTER!
What? What do I mean by that? Easy, I mean it doesn’t matter what you think, whether you’re pro choice or pro life, what I do with my body concerns only me. By drinking coke every day, I’m breaking someone’s religious rules. By eating bacon with my breakfast, I’m breaking another person’s religious rules. WHAT I DO WITH MY BODY DOES NOT CONCERN YOU!
Now, Obviously, I’m pro-choice. And there’s a reason for that. Whether or not I have an abortion or somebody else does, it doesn’t matter. Just because I’m pro choice, doesn’t mean I want an abortion. It doesn’t matter if I need an abortion. It doesn’t mean I’m pro-abortion. I’m pro choice, because women should have a choice on whether or not they, and only the individual woman, wants to go to term or not. It should not have anything to do with men, or religion. It is first, and foremost a woman’s choice and right.
The other reason I’m for abortion is because there are many reasons, outside of the normal “I don’t want to have a child” argument for abortion. The pregnancy is sometimes as a result of rape. And no child should be a reminder of a horrible act that happened to their mother. It would not be good for either the mother or child. Then, there’s also a health risk to some potential mothers. Would you really kill the mother in order to save the fetus, an unborn child? No, if they want kids, they can try again later, and, in my opinion, until it can breathe on its own, it’s not alive yet. And sometimes, the abortion is necessary because the fetus itself isn’t growing or is dead already, or it is going to be incredibly sick. Then, it’s akin to a mercy killing.
Don’t condemn the child or the parent without realizing the exact situation of the parents.
Oh, and before you say adoption is a good option. Sure, send your child to an orphanage or foster care, a system that is known for not being good, and is overcrowded. That's not a good option either.
Alright, now that you've read that, watch this cute puppy video, and relax your mind and forget your anger.