Dear Tomi,
I understand that Colin Kaepernick is the topic of a heated debate at the moment and, therefore, you need to shed some light on the current situation. I also understand that you're just expressing your opinion because that's your job, and I respect that. I also respect that expressing your opinion is part of your rights – your rights protected under the First Amendment. However, what I don't respect is how you managed to berate him for doing the SAME EXACT THING you do. He was exercising his right as an American, just as you are. Personally, I do think all should stand for the Anthem, simply to show respect for those that have fought, and are currently fighting, for it. And yes, I do think there were better methods to express his feelings about this situation. But I will not sit here, as you are, and take an attitude bigger than the state of Texas and tell him that he "sucks". I will not call him "bud" and tell him that he has no right to be angered. I will not tell him that I support his "right to freedom of speech and expression," and then follow that sentence with me telling him he is "an attention seeking crybaby." Would you like to know why, Tomi? Because I'm not the type of person to contradict myself so much that I inhibit my own ability to speak, as you did – all in less than 90 seconds. You probably didn't pay attention to what you were saying because you were either focused on how many times you could say the word "bud" in your attempt of stating your "support" (if you can honestly even call it that) or asking him what he's done to make this country better. I guess you were so caught up in your "Final Thoughts" that you forgot to mention his four years of commitment to Camp Taylor. Ya know, the one for children with heart conditions that get to experience a real camp environment that, otherwise, wouldn't be possible for them? Oh, and I'm assuming someone deleted the part about the $900,000 he's raised from your teleprompter. Oops, sorry bud.
Oh, and I'm sure he appreciated you talking pure sh*t about his family. I hope you didn't talk smack about the devastating loss of his two siblings due to heart conditions. But, honestly, who would be surprised if you did? I would like to also point out that he didn't say that he, as an individual, was oppressed. He said blacks are oppressed. Would you like to know what he actually did say? He said "This is because I’m seeing things happen to people that don’t have a voice, people that don’t have a platform to talk and have their voices heard, and effect change." If you would drop your "I know everything and my opinion is the only correct opinion" attitude you just might be able to see and hear about what's really going on in the world. But that's just my opinion.
Your "bud"