Dear Time,
You are one of the most confusing things of all, and I'm not talking about the concepts that scientists like Einstein talk about, I’m talking about the way you play into life itself. Modern life is completely run by you and sometimes it gets frustrating. I think this a lot as I'm rushing to my 9 a.m. class with breakfast in one hand and hot tea in the other. I can't stand you the most on those days where I'm doing school work well passed midnight and have to sacrifice seeing my friends when you aren't there for me. When you aren't available it sometimes hurts, but when things hurt, we want you to make things go by faster.
That's the funny thing about you. When it comes to work, we hate not having enough time, but when it comes to love, we hate being told that we need more of it. You are everything when it comes to work and relationships. Too soon and too late could mean a complete difference. I have known many people who could not explore their passions because they have found them out too late, while I have found others, who applied for the job late also.
In most of Shakespeare's novels, things don't work out and it all has to do with timing as well. You are annoying when it comes to things working out. For things to work out it requires precision. We can decide we want things at a certain time, but it doesn't always mean we are ready.
When we are young, we want you to go by fast, but when we are old we want you to slow down. At my summer job, I'd hear kids say that they just want to grow up, as if being taller and older is the fix to everything. "If mom and dad have it all figured out then I will too when I get older!" Everything for parents seems much easier when you are a kid. You are the greatest healer of all, but the healing of you isn't always guaranteed. I remember sitting in high school science class, staring at my tracker, wishing for high school to be over. It will be better than college I'd tell myself. I was right but this isn't always guaranteed in life, or atlas it isn't when we keep track of you and have the desire to control you. We sometimes just have to let you happen.
You are the ruler of a modern world, a ruler that isn't always fair. In your reign, you give us all power and with great power comes great responsibility. We try to control you with schedules and plans, but sometimes it doesn't work. You are an unfair ruler, one that can decide on a whim that someone gets no more of you at the drop of a hat. Some get more of you than others and that is just life and it's not entirely your fault because you don't discriminate. No matter the race, gender or income, you decide that some have had enough of you early on.
When we are young we like to take you for granted but you aren't guaranteed, so it's best to use what we have of you wisely.