Dear Spotify,
I have been a loyal user of your streaming service for over four years.
Spotify has given me hundreds and hundreds of hours where all I do is listen to music. I listen to Spotify while I'm laying in bed relaxing. I listen to Spotify while trying to focus and work on projects. I listen to Spotify while on long road trips to make my car ride a little more enjoyable. I listen to Spotify while at the gym even though I don't go as much as I should sometimes.
If you know me personally then you know how much a fan I am of so many artists, bands, musicians, etc. It is a great way to be able to listen and save all your music to your library especially with all the music I love to listen to.
With all that being said, I do have one problem with my favorite music streaming service.
I need more space in my library for more music.
I was recently trying to save some new music to my library collection and got a little message at the top of my application that started with saying "Epic collection, friend" then proceeded to tell me that I have reached my limit on the number of songs I can have in my library collection.
When I saw this message, I had so many emotions that came up. I was confused. I was angry. I was sad. How was I supposed to save the new music in my library I am bound to listen to in the future without of getting rid of any of my other saved music?
After doing some research, I found that your streaming service currently gives all of their users a limit of 10,000 songs that can have saved in the library. It doesn't matter if you have Spotify Free or Spotify Premium either.
I literally had no idea you had a limit to the number of songs you could have saved in your library. I never thought I would hit in a million years that I would that much music saved on my account. I guess when you are an avid music fan like I am then it really shouldn't come to a surprise that I have that many songs after having an account for over four years.
I get it that this is such a first-world problem and I absolutely know that but I would love for some change to happen here.
I just want to know why they have a limit on the number of songs you can save in your library. I have been researching on online forums and blogs for reasons why. I can't find one. There isn't an explanation anywhere. That's probably the most frustrating thing about this.
I need some answers, Spotify.