Hi Ms. Rhimes,
I've recently decided to jump on the "Grey's Anatomy" bandwagon. Originally I didn't see what the big hype was. To me it was just another show. Then...I watched! I was on Netflix and watched the first episode, then the next one, the next one, the next one. Next thing I know, I'm on season 11 crying my eyes out. I'm messaging my roommates, my sister, my High School "person" (see what I did there?) freaking out over everything that's happened. So, I would just like to ask some questions that I feel many of us would like to ask.
1. Did you have to kill George that way???
Like COME ON! I don't know about anyone else but my heart stopped. When he took Meredith's hand and wrote 007, I screamed "NO" at my T.V. It was in this moment I knew...I messed up. It was in this moment, this unexpected moment, that I knew I was too hooked to stop watching. I've cried during some movies, even over some books but not like this. This was the first death of a character I've seen that it almost felt personal. I had grown so attached to the character that I felt like Ilost someone. I'm glad he died doing what he loved which was saving people. I just felt that it was too much too soon for my little heart.
2. Denny? Enough said.
I started to notice a death theme going on here. I get it, he was sick and dying but...WHY? Why would you have us get so close to this character to then just take him away!! *Sniffle sniffle* Why Shonda?! He just *grabs tissue* wanted to make Izzie happy. WHY CAN'T THEY BE HAPPY TOGETHER!?
3. Seriously? A bomb?
Okay Shonda THAT WASN'T NICE. I was literally on the edge of my bed watching this. It was so unexpected, it was so intense. Again, it was too much for my little faint heart. I'm watching thinking, "Okay. They got the bomb, everything should be fine." No. That's clearly not how this show works. IT EXPLODED! Why? Can there be one episode that doesn't give me a heart attack? Please?
4. Did Burke really have to leave Cristina at the alter?
Don't get me wrong here. I totally understand the politics behind writing Burke off the show. I know that what Isaiah Washington said was completely inappropriate. Wasn't there a different way to do this? Cristina was always determined to be a surgeon and didn't want to put anything before that. Why couldn't it have been her getting cold feet? I don't know, I just feel that would have been an easier episode to watch had it been her to call it off. Hadn't she been through enough? Her pregnancy and losing the baby. Wasn't that enough torture for her? Especially after what you did in Season 10 episode 22. I got chills seeing Burke return.
5. LEXIE GREY?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?
I won't forgive you for this. I hope you know that. Her and Meredith were just getting along. They were starting to become more of a family and then...then...YOU DO THIS?!? Not only that, this is when Mark finally decides to tell "little Grey" he loves her. I...I need a moment. *Grabs more tissues* I just don't see why this was needed. There were a variety of ways to write her off the show, to end the romance between her and Sloan. This was just too far. I'm still not over George and you do this to me? Who hurt you?

I don't care what anyone says to me. I think a broken heart is what killed him. He even said it when he thought he was dying in the woods. He said that Lexie was waiting for him! Then he dies in the hospital. He wanted to be with Lexie. They were perfect for each other! Why is death always the solution. I agree with Cristina when she called it "Seattle Grace- Mercy Death Hospital." Everyone just seems to die there.
Don't think that this is all I have to say on this subject. There is so much more I want to ask but this article would go on forever. I think what I'm getting at is:
An emotionally scarred teenager.