Christmas is coming in a few days, and New Years is soon to follow. As with every turn of the year, there comes the time for resolutions. Resolutions that most of us make in the moment and give up within the week. Seeing many other people proclaim their New Year's resolutions made me wonder what I can claim to give up and then, well, give up. Maybe I can make it a few more weeks this year than previous years!
1. Spend Less Time on my Phone
I'm always on my phone for something. I don't always text or call people back, but hey, I am on there for funny pictures or to browse Facebook. I think I would get a lot more done if I simply would put the phone down and concentrate on other things. Like doing my homework. Before the 24 hour mark of it being due.
2. Eat Less Junkfood
I love junk food and my metabolism lets me pig out on it 24/7 without any immediate health problems. I know that this will not last forever so I better get it somewhat under control. I'll balloon out one day and won't know what hit me!
3. Watch Waaaayyy Less Netflix
Netflix is usually on at all waking hours in my apartment. I need to curb this addiction. I would get more done in a day in way less time if I did not have this constant distraction on in the background. While it is comforting to always have some background noise, I think I can learn to deal.
4. Play Waaaayyy Less Video Games
Video games are another huge vice for me. I love to spend my time playing them and it should really be curbed in just as hard as Netflix. I would probably astound myself at the amount of work I could get done in a day if I cut out video games as well as Netflix. I don't know how well this one is going to go. It will probably hit the wind faster than any other resolution I make this upcoming year.
5. Go for a Daily Walk
This has been recommended to me by many people in my life. It should help with my stress and keep me increasingly fit. Somedays I count my walking around on campus as a daily walk. I shouldn't, but I do. It happens. I should make an actual daily walk happen, and that is what I plan to do!
6. Finish Out My Remaining Semesters Strong
I only have two semesters left in my undergraduate career (almost 6 years - ouch). I hope to finish out my degree strong. All the previous resolutions will just make this one easier!
Whatever all of your own goals are, I wish you the best of luck in 2017! It can only go up from this doozy of a year we have had already...