8 Must-Have Makeup Products | The Odyssey Online
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8 Must-Have Makeup Products

"I told the makeup artist at Sephora that I wanted to glow like a glazed donut."

8 Must-Have Makeup Products

Makeup has been one of my biggest loves ever since the seventh grade. I've evolved from just using Walgreen's makeup to being a V.I.B. member at Sephora. Needless to say, I've been in this game long enough to discover what works the best for me. Some of the products I use are super cheap and work just fine. Other products, my dad would probably have a heart attack if he knew just how much one highlighter cost. Here are my must have makeup products at the moment!

1. Foundation

After I put on moisturizer, I put on foundation. I'm a big fan of full coverage, so I've been switching back and fourth from Sephora's foundation ($20) and L'Oreal Paris Infallible Pro-Matte foundation ($10.79). Both are great and last all day!

2. Blush

Next I move on to blush. You've got to add a pop of color to your skin so you don't look so blah with just your foundation on. Recently I discovered how great the brand Milani is, which I bought at Target. I've been using Milani Powder Blush in the shade 01 Romantic Rose ($7.99).

3. Highlighter (MY FAVORITE)

Okay so I recently went to Sephora told told the makeup artist there that I wanted to glow like a glazed donut. With their amazing expertise they sat me down in a makeup chair and we played around with a few highlighters and I absolutely fell into love Becca in the shade Prismatic Amethyst ($38)

4. Eyeshadow

Just to let everyone know, eyeshadow last me forever so I've been switching back and fourth between two palettes. The first palette I use all the time is Tarte Pretty Paintbox Collector's Makeup Case Palette which I think ran for ($60)ish dollars when it was at Sephora. The second palette I use a lot (and that I've bought several times is Stila Eyes Are The Window Shadow Palette in the color Soul ($49).

5. Eyeliner (WING IT BABY)

I've recently become a fan of the winged eye look mostly because I can FINALLY draw them on well. After you get the knack of it, I highly recommend trying Kat Von D Tattoo Liner ($20).

6. Mascara

The last step for finishing my eye look! I've been using Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara ($23) ever since my sophomore year of high school. I will never use another brand of mascara ever.

7. Lips

For my every day look I use Revlon Colorstay Moisture Stain in the shade 055 Stockholm Chic ($6.29) to match my new auburn hair. When I feel like getting fancy I use my classic Mac Lipstick in Ruby Woo ($17).

8. Setting Spray

To completely finish everything, I spray my face with Urban Decay All Nighter Long-Lasting Makeup Setting Spray ($31).

So there you have it ladies and gentlemen! I'm by no means a professional or guru when it comes to makeup, but it's something that I love doing. Seriously, putting on my makeup is the most relaxing time of the day for me. So go out there, try these products, and let me know what you think! Stay flawless my friends :)

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