From day one you've been my best friend, my protector and my hero. You've taught me how to be a lady but also how to stand up for myself, and to love Christ and his word. You've never given up on me and your love has never strayed, not even once.
Your strength and your compassion are what really amaze me. You had to take on the responsibility of being a single parent while starting over, with two children and you did it with a smile on your face, and you still take care of us better than we could ever ask you to. You've taught me to be humble and love others not by face value but for their hearts. You're the most beautiful woman not only on the inside but on the outside as well. Your smile radiates a room and you have such modesty about you and that makes you even more beautiful. What's crazy to me is how you can still question if you're a good mom and question whether you've done all that you could've as a mother and I don't think "yes" could even come close to answering that question.
There's not anyone in this world that could've been a better mother to me. Lord knows I haven't made it easy for you but you've loved me unconditionally through it all and never hesitated to be there for me. You've been there through every single dark time in my life and held me with certainty that I would be okay and that my future would be bright and that I wouldn't always be broken. I look at you with such admiration for what a warrior you are; anyone else would have crumbled under the circumstances you were faced with but you stood strong and refused to ever give in. You've always fought for what you love and you possess the kindest heart I've ever seen. Not only are you my best friend who loves 80's music and just about anything that involves chocolate but also my parent that tell me things I need to hear. I don't know of one person who has had the pleasure of meeting you and not been beyond fond of you. There's not one time in my life that I look back on that I wish you would've done differently or that I feel I lacked because you gave me it all. The day you became a mother you vowed to always protect me and you've held on to that promise and also given me so much more. Although you're still helping me pick up the pieces of who I am and helping me put them together into who I want to be, you remain the bright light among it all. If everyone else suddenly left, I know I would still remain loved and that I could never be alone. You are my definition of a warrior and you have taught me to love people, to be kind, to work hard, and to never give up on my dreams. I can only hope to be half the woman and the mother you are one day but I'm sure you'll be there every step of the way, showing me how.
I love you to the moon and back Mom.