When I was in high school, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Guatemala, it was a very humbling experience.
I came from a good upbringing and going to Guatemala was an eye-opener. The school I went to was a small private Lutheran school so I was very sheltered. I went into the mission trip not sure what to expect and I wasn't prepared for what I experienced. I looked at the world and was saddened by all of the unfairness and circumstances that others live in. In the village that we were in most “houses” had roofs made of torn tarp that wouldn’t even keep the rain out and the floors were dirt. It made me very grateful for what I do have and every time I find myself feeling sorry for my current circumstance in life, I think about all of the people who have it far worse than I do.
During this mission trip, I truly gained a different perspective on life. We had the opportunity to spend time with children in an orphanage and it was astonishing to see the amount of joy the children have for how little they have been given circumstantially. I remember sitting with some of the children at the orphanage in their dining hall one night, we were eating dinner and I was picking at my handmade tortilla because I didn't like the tamales that they had so generously offered and made for us. These children were so happy to have visitors there and people to play with and there I was complaining internally about the food. This truly embarrassed me because every time I would complain about something in my life it was all about material things and extravagant accessories that I didn't need but I wanted.
The amount of joy they had for this opportunity to spend time with us doing simple things like eating or joining in on a soccer game was surprising. I couldn’t believe the happiness these children possessed and it made me want to continue to give back and make others happy. This experience has definitely made me a better person and I am very thankful for that because I had been very ignorant to how blessed I was in my life and it woke me up. I now will catch myself complaining about having to take my car to the car wash and remember how lucky I am to even have a car and have the opportunity to go to an amazing school like the University of Nebraska. Interacting with people that come from a different background than you has so many benefits and it definitely broadens your perspective on life.
I would encourage anyone to go on a mission trip if they have the opportunity to do so. You see the world in such a different way and you have the possibility to make a tremendous impact on a community that is likely far different than your own. You also learn so much about yourself and it helps you to grow as a person.