Dear Middle School Self,
Middle school. What a whirlwind of weird growth spurts, braces, feather hair extensions, and locker chandeliers. You might think that the Social Studies project that's due is the worst thing you've ever heard of. Or you might be complaining to your mom about how mean everyone at your school is. Whatever it is, take a deep breath because everything will soon cease to be awkward. However, there are some things you should know:
Don't argue with your mom. I know you think she doesn't understand you blah blah blah, but she does. She is on your side, and no, she is not trying to ruin your life when she doesn't let you get a cell phone. Your mom loves you and will alway be there for you, so suck it up, tell her you're sorry for being a brat, and spend some time with her.
Boys don't matter. As much as you think you need a "date" to the March Madness don't. A time will come when a nice guy will like you for you and it'll be awesome. But right now, boys are immature and playing paper football, and you don't need to worry about them.
Miss Me Jeans are a bad idea. I know that everyone has them, but that does not mean you should get them. They are way too expensive and they hurt when you sit down. Save yourself the trouble and let your mom buy the jeans from Target, because I promise they're just as cute.
Don't wear makeup to school. Right now, makeup is exciting because it's this new thing in your life, but soon it'll be a routine thing that you're sick and tired of. Have fun experimenting with different shades of lipsticks at home, but please don't wear blue eye shadow and glitter lip gloss to school. Your skin will thank you later.
The school work will only get harder. Dissecting frogs and learning about decimals may seem like the death of you, but it's not. Sadly, homework and projects will only get harder. So don't sweat it now, have fun and learn as much as you can!
You're not too old for Halloween. There will come a time when you get too old to dress up for Halloween but that time is not now! Dress up, grab some friends, and go get candy. Who doesn't love free candy?
Being "popular" means nothing. Try not to get so caught up in cliques and stereotypes. Find friends that are funny and nice to be around. Don't be friends with someone just because they are "popular". Stay true to you and remember that popularity soon won't matter.
Don't fret little one. Soon high school will happen and in the blink of an eye, you'll be off to a big city for college. Things will get worse at times, but trust me it's going to get so much better too.
You got this,
The future you