Although there are many places that we can look for guidance, inspiration, and advice, there is no better resource than that of an older woman who has trekked through this time of life before you. I have been blessed to have a plethora of strong, independent, Christian women in my life who have taken the time to cultivate relationships with me. Some of these women are my family members, my teachers, Younglife leaders, and even just people who have taken an interest in helping me grow into the woman that I am supposed to be.
The beauty of having a mentor is that you always have an experienced, yet outside, perspective. As we grow up and face new challenges, many times it can seem unclear how we should react, cope, or handle these experiences. Sure, we can turn to our peers, scripture, or even try to boldly push through on our own, but having someone to help offer guidance is a powerful tool that enhances these confusing times in our lives. These women are people that we can choose to be brutally honest with, know that they will be honest with us in return, and who can offer us advice based on their own life experiences. We can share all of the messy details of our lives and know that they most likely have gone through something similar. Instead of feeling anxious and confused, we can bond with our mentors over these shared experiences, and learn from their mistakes about how to best move forward.
These women also have the ability to hold us accountable for things. They can hold us accountable with our faith, morals, values, goals, and can help us grow into the absolute best version of ourselves. My mentors have helped me weigh the pros and cons when I’m making big decisions, have taught me how to guard my heart and be smart about boys, have held my hand when everything seems like it is too much to face alone, and have loved me the same no matter how many mistakes I’ve made. They know the things I’ve done that I am most ashamed of and they have also celebrated with me when I succeed.
Walking through life with women who are older than you is one of the most beautiful privileges that any of us can have. Having people to lift you up in prayer, who genuinely care about you and your life, and who can offer honest guidance is something that I believe every young woman should have. If you don’t have anyone in your life that you would consider to be both a mentor and a friend, I highly encourage you to seek out this type of relationship. My mentors are some of my best friends and I know that they will stick with me for many, many years. They are helping me to become a strong, independent, woman of Christ. They truly soften the blow of life and I hope that when I grow up I can be even half as wonderful as they are—then maybe I will get to invest in others, just as they have invested in me.