I didn't choose my major because I thought it was easy. I didn't choose my major so that I could graduate early. I didn't choose my major because I did not know what I wanted to study.
I chose my major because I love the subject. I love learning about psychology, about peoples' minds, about who they are and why they are the way they are. I love psychology. I chose my major because it is what I want to learn about and practice for the rest of my life.
Psychology is in every day. It is our every day. It was the interaction you had this morning with your roommate, it is the fight you had last night with your significant other, it is why you are missing home and that friend you lost however long ago.
It is the study of the human mind and how it functions. The study of you. The study of me. The study of your sister, your brother, your mother, your father, your friend, your lover. Looking into the minds of the people around you and truly understanding them.
Psychology has helped me to be patient. It has allowed me to take a step back in stressful situations and analyze why I am stressed, then to configure an appropriate approach for solving my problem.
My major has enabled me to become a better person. I believe I am a greater friend, girlfriend, sibling and daughter because of what I study. I recognize issues in relationships of mine, and I try to work with the other person in order to put into perspective their reasonings before jumping to conclusions. It has prevented my having jealousy in relationships and allowed me to make a deeper connection with my significant others.
Through studying psychology, I have learned to judge others less. I do not see a disorder as a flaw but simply as a part of a person. It can make them appear broken yet beautiful all the same. I have learned that a person's actions do not define them, rather, their intentions behind their actions do. I have come to understand our daily interactions impact the people we have them with more than we realize. A smile can go a long way. A simple "Are you OK?" can make all the difference in the world. A well-deserved compliment will light up a face.
I feel passionate about my major. I look forward to classes where we research studies and theories. I listen intently to my professors when we discuss philosophers and experiments. I go home and continue to do my own research, just because it interests me.
I am living out my major as I learn it. The more I learn, the more I want to know.
My major is a part of my every day, whether I have a lecture, lab, or class that day. Whether I have been in school all summer or not. Psychology is a passion, a major, and a career path of mine. For these reasons and more, I am proud to be a psychology major.