I do not know what to say to you but thank you thank you thank you. You girls were the people that I needed to become friends with in college because without you guys I would have had the college experience that I would have had. You have been there with me though the ups and the downs, the nights filled with laughter and the nights where there were not enough Kleenexes in the room to help soak up the tears.
I cannot believe that my awkward self, and both of you, who had everything put together, became friends. I am so glad that our paths crossed because ever since that day I have felt like I have found a friendship that will last for a lifetime. I know that most people say that you meet your best friends in college and boy they are right. I know that in my heart I have found my long lost soul sisters and I would not have traded our adventures together for anything in the world.
When I met you I was so scared to make friends here on campus because I was worried that no one would like me. I was so scared to eat lunch by myself on campus because I was worried that people would judge me for not having anyone to sit with. Then we met on the hill watching the football game and at the Homecoming dance. This is where our paths crossed and I remember those days very well. We all clicked and we had a connection that I did not know was possible. What started out as an everyday lunch date, turned into weekends of fun and Netflix watching. I cannot thank you enough for that because we would have the best jam sessions in my room as we would dance our little hearts out and laugh until our sides hurt.
I knew that we had all become close but I never understood how close we were until life happened. College is a lot harder then you will realize until you have experienced it, meaning you study for hours, days, or even weeks for a test and you completely end up looking like you did not study at all. This happened to me, and this is when I realized that college was a hell of a lot harder than I had realized it would be. I checked my grades and they were not like they were in high school and my heart broke into a million little pieces. I felt like I was a failure because I knew I was smart but my whole world came crashing down. When I did not reply to your texts, you knew something was up and you came to my room to calm me down. Thank you for pushing me to do better and for helping me study. I felt like I had reached the lowest part in my life, where I was not even happy in my own skin… and you reminded me who I was.
Thank you for helping me by being my second family here on campus. My family was four hours away and sometimes all you need is a hug. Thank you for being there when things did not go right because you would drag me to your car and get me ice cream. Thank you for being my lunch date every day because what's better than eating bland cafe food and having the best friend to make you laugh? Thank you for dragging me out of bed every Tuesday and Thursday to go to our 8 a.m. class, because 8 a.m.'s are miserable and no one likes being awake that early. Thank you for being my sister, I know that we are not biological but you are like family to me Thank you for always being there for me even when I do not realize I needed someone there. Thank you for being you because you are the most wonderful person I have ever met.
The person who cannot thank you enough