Dear SoCal,
I love you so much, with your beautiful oceans, your desert-like hills, your dry heat and your beautiful palm trees. I know I was only with you for a short while but it felt like an eternity when I walked your streets and met your people I knew I was home. When I saw some of your film schools you have and walked through Hollywood I knew I was home. I also feel so encouraged by how progressive you are, I got to discuss Black Lives Matter and gun control freely. I got to see many hard-working Hispanic immigrants on the street ready to work, in San Diego. I saw more LGBTQIA+ culture then I have in my life, like many pride flags and an actual rainbow road when I went through West Hollywood. Then in Santa Monica, I saw many street performers and many beautiful aesthetics streets that turned into outdoor malls. Then I swam in the salty rushing waters of the Pacific that tosed me and turn me. If the home is where the heart is my home is in Southern California, I don't care where (excluding a few obvious places) in SoCal, as long as I am there I will be happy. You are my life my pride and my joy.