Residential Advisor: (noun) A student leader. A person with a giving heart. Is not too cool to hang out with their hall outside of hall activities. Committed to helping solve life problems.
One of the first people I met moving into college was my RA. I was scared out of my wits and my RA made the best first impression. I didn't realize how close I would become with her throughout the year and not that I'm realizing that she will not be right down the hall anymore is heart wrenching. My RA has made a huge impact on my college life and this is how:
1. She always has the best advice
Moving to college and being on your own can be a drastic change. But when you have the right support system is can be smooth sailing.
2. She always reminded us about mandatory hall meetings
Though at times they seemed pointless, we always had the best time getting sidetracked by talking about the most random things during hall meetings. Most of them really had nothing to do with the rules itself.
3. She was the coolest person on campus.
She was never too cool to go on hall dinners with us. She always made sure we felt included and welcome.
4. She always made sure that quiet hours were enforced.
She made sure to fix the problem if there ever was one. Sleep is a must and she knew that our hall loved sleep.
5. She always came up with the best hall activities.
The more people that come to hall activities, the more fun you have. From movie night, to tie-dying t-shirts, and making pancakes after registration, our hall grew closer and closer.
6. She was always excited for us.
Whether it was the us getting an A on a test or hearing a silly joke she always acted like it was the best part of her day.
It is always hard to say goodbye
When you grow close to someone and then realize that they are graduating and they won't be 10 feet away from you anymore, you just have to remember the memories that you got to share with them.
I do not know how I would have survived my first year at college if it were not for my amazing RA. She made me laugh until I cried and was always there when I needed a hand. She will forever be the first friend I made at college.