You know who you are.
Therefore, you know why I am writing this.
You have betrayed me.
You have taken advantage of me.
You have broken my heart.
You have lied to my face telling me how much you love me and care about me.
You talked about me behind my back saying how much I "get on your nerves."
If you have got something mean to say to me, or if you have a problem with me say it to my face. Why don't you say it to my face next time? Instead of keeping those secrets bottled up like a coward.
You claimed that you did nothing wrong in this friendship.
You made yourself look like the victim. When in reality, no one is the victim here.
You did not come forward and admit your mistakes. We have both made mistakes but I admitted mine, and you didn't.
You did not give me a chance to explain my side of the story and my mistakes.
You kept interrupting everything that I was trying to tell you.
You shot down my opinions and beliefs whenever I did get the chance to explain myself.
You made up excuses for your actions and behaviors.
NEWS FLASH SWEETIE! Cyber bullying and verbally bullying does not make you a "sarcastic bitch." It makes you an asshole.
You acted like a baby instead of an adult when it came to handling this situation.
You were my best friend.
I honestly thought that we were going to be best friends forever.
But you have changed.
This is not the good kind of change that I am talking about.
I know you have claimed that you did change from last semester. However, you do not know how much you have changed.
You are a totally different person to me now.
I do not even know who you are anymore.
You make everything about yourself.
You compare your life to everyone else's instead of sympathizing and listening to their stories.
You make everyone else around you feel miserable whenever they say something that you don't agree with.
You get very aggressive very easily.
You call other people names such as "dumb bitches" in order to make you feel better about yourself.
You call out other people on their actions, their mistakes, and how they have done you wrong whether it's on social media or in person, in order to make you feel better about yourself.
You claim that this whole situation doesn't make us a better person after all of the people who have dropped us back in high school.
You are wrong.
This whole situation has in fact brought me and my true friends closer.
You can insult us as much as you want but you can never tear us apart.
Your words mean nothing to me anymore.
Your words are full of shit.
So really, this whole situation doesn't make you a better person.
Because I trusted you with all my heart.
I believed everything that you told me.
But all of it was just a lie.
You have given me a major wake up call.
You have proven to me that you are no better than any of my former fake friends.
You have proven to me that you were never a true friend to me or to anyone else who cared about you as much as I did.
You have proven to me that I was too good to you.
You do not appreciate how good me or anyone else was to you.
Now you have settled for people who treat you far worse than we do.
Because you accept the love that you think you deserve.
You did not realize how good your friendship was with me or with anyone else who treated you with as much kindness and respect as I did.
Since you told me to wake up by turning my back on me, now it's my turn to be the one to tell you to wake up!
I hope that you realize that there are people out there like us who appreciate you as much as we do.
I hope you realize that there are people out there who won't bring out your dark side.
I hope you realize that there are people out there who would do anything for you.
I hope you realize that there are people out there who love you for you.
I hope your realize that there are people out there who won't take advantage of you.
I hope you realize that there are people out there who don't want you to change.
I hope you realize how much you have changed.
I hope one day you will realize how much your actions and behavior affect everyone else around you.
Despite the fact that I feel so sorry for you, I wish you the best.
I hope you find your happy place.
I hope you don't turn your back on more good people who will enter into your life.