I have spent the first 18 years of my life in a little town called Richford, VT. I come from a town of 1,400 people and I graduated with 38 people in my class. I had many friends and we spent our time going to swimming holes and riding around in cars. So basically I was your typical small town girl with big family values. I knew everyone in my class since the first grade. I loved that feeling but when I graduated college I knew I needed something different. I didn't want to be that small town good girl anymore. Yet I knew that I didn't want to move too far from half my family. So I went to Castleton University which is 2 1/2 hours south of my town. I went from a school of 250 people to a school of almost 2,000 people, which I think was actually good for me. I met tons of new friends and even got close with some of them, yet something was still missing.
The something that was missing was the other half of my family who lives in the town of Nineveh,IN. My dad and step-mom live in Indiana. So I decided to take the big leap and come and stay with them for the summer before I go back to college. So I am now in a town that has thousands of people and it was very weird at first because I was not used to it yet. I have no friends in Indiana so I had to learn what its like to be on my own. I had to learn to go to work, go home, and focus on just myself and not everyone around me. I am kind of glad that I came to Indiana this summer it helped me find me and focus on what I want in life without all of the distractions of my friends.
Even though my heart will always be in Vermont some of it now has broken off and floated toward the beautiful state of Indiana. I may always be a Vermont small town girl. Sometimes though I enjoy being a girl that goes on adventures to different places as well.