" Gilmore Girls" may be an older show, but it's still popular today. When it was confirmed that there would be a "Gilmore Girls" revival, I knew I had to jump on the bandwagon. I just got started on it a couple months ago, and I am now almost on season six. During the first few seasons, one character I noticed was Paris Geller, and to be quite honest she drove me insane; I almost just fast forwarded any time she started talking. But as time went on, I realized that Paris is waaaay more like me than I would like to admit. Here are some ways you may be able to relate to Paris Geller:
1. She just can't deal with people.
This Paris quote speaks to me on a spiritual level. I have found myself saying something like this on a daily basis.
2. School comes first.
Who needs a social life when you have school to worry about? Paris keeps her eyes on the prize.
3. She's a picky eater.
Because at fancy parties like the Gilmores throw, there probably won't be pizza.
4. She's brutally honest.
Sometimes we can't help but speak our mind. You go, Paris.
5. She doesn't have much of a social life.
Let's be honest, how many times have we all done this? I've lost count.
6. She has an interesting sense of fashion.
We've all been there.
7. She compares herself to people around her.
It's human nature to compare things about ourselves to other people... Paris just does it in different ways.
8. She's a perfectionist.
Aren't we all?
9. She realizes the importance of higher education.
Paris definitely gave a good pep talk when her bestie dropped out of school.
10. She has boy problems just like the rest of us.
11. Sometimes it's hard for her to open up to people at first.
12. Did I mention her low tolerance for people?
13. She gives out the occasional compliment.
14. She knows how to handle a break up.
15. She doesn't wake up #flawless.
16. She believes that sleep is for the weak.
Because in college, there are not enough hours in a day to sleep.
17. She is just trying to make the best of herself.
Because in a world of bad food, school work, and crazy people, you just have to.
Paris is without a doubt annoying at times. But really, she is more like the rest of us then we think. TBH I can't wait for the show's revival to see what she is up to next. You are my spirit animal, Paris Eustace Geller.