Day 1: It's kind of nice I have to admit. They have a lot of stuff I can lay on and they have not stopped feeding me at all! This is honestly the best day of my life being in a new home. It definitely beats the shelter. Anyways, till tomorrow.
Day 2: I slept so hard the other day. OHMYGOD you wouldn't believe it. I first slept on the sofa, then on the love seat, then on the bed, then on the other bed, then on top of the TV, then in a plant, then on some stairs, then on my owners chest, and THEN I SLEPT ON MY OWN BED! My own bed. I can't believe it. Till tomorrow!
Day 3: I slept on everything. Again. Till tomorrow.
Day 4: Something not so chill happened last night. I was sleeping on the stairs, LIKE I ALWAYS DO, and this guy steps on my tail! I mean what the hell man! I'm laying right here! You couldn't stretch you're long legs over me? Get off that shiny device you're always staring at and pay attention to me! Till tomorrow. (P.S. I've gained a little weight. That's awesome.)
Day 5: Okay, whoa, hold the phone here. Diet? Well you might as well just kill me. How dare you put my food bowl up to where my fat ass can't jump. I'm leaving. I'm gone. I can't do it anymore this. I plan to fight back. I plan to start a resistance! FIGHT FOR FOOD! Till tomorrow.
Day 6: War is hell. I scratched the shit out of that sofa and peed on their bed. They made me go outside. I haven't eaten more than three bites in over 2 hours. I fear I may not be alive tomorrow. As I look out into the vast green that is this world. The beauty of the leaves changing and birds flying. Skies blue and the sun bright. I start to think about how I don't care. Let me in. Let me eat. Till tomorrow.
Day 7: I spent the night outside. When they let me in they asked "Are you ready to behave?" I was never so offended. But I cannot argue. I need to eat something or this may be my last entry. WAIT! What's this?! What are you doing? The big ones will see you! Thank you! Thank your sweet little soul for filling up my food bowl all the way to the edge! FOOD! AMAZING DRY FOOD! TILL TOMORROW!
Day 8: The little one has feed me. Feed me to the brim. I now understand where my alliance is. I will protect him. I will guard him through the night. The big ones do not know of his brave duties but what matters is that I now owe my nine lives to him. Till tomorrow.
Day 9: I cannot wait to see my little one. He pets me. Throws toys with me. Makes me feel like a king! And I do the same for him. We are invincible! Unless the big ones call him inside. They seem to have to refill some sort of tank to make sure the little one breathes right. No fear though. Me and my little one will rule the world! Till Tomorrow!
Day 10: Tomorrow has come. And how I wish it was yesterday. My little one is sick. And I have been sent outside for being too close to him. He started to sneeze uncontrollably which made it hard for him to be around me. Once again I am a subject to the scenery of the outside. For some reason, it is beautiful now. I walk over the the little ones window to see if I can get him to notice me. I scratch on is window screen and he doesn't move. I yell and yell "Little one! Little one!" And I hear nothing. I see no movement. I am scared. I am lonely. I am not hungry anymore.
Day 11: They let me inside today. I am so tired because I stayed up all night trying to see if there was any movement from the little one. I stumble over to his room. And there he is, laying down. I jump up on his bed and cuddle up next to me. Then he moves! HE MOVES! He takes these strange tablets and sips them down with water. And suddenly, there is no sneezing! There is no struggle to breathe!!! THIS IS MY LITTLE ONE! THIS IS MY HOME! Signing off, for good. I need to concentrate on living with my little one because he is my hero. Now let's go eat! I'm hungry. Till, forever.