Parties. Drinking. Hazing. Irresponsibility.
These are the words most commonly associated with Greek life.
Love. Acceptance. Philanthropy. Family.
These are the words that should be associated with Greek life.
My Greek experience was so much more than sorority squats and matching t-shirts. It was a journey to find who I truly was and who I wanted to be in the future. I know it sounds a little cliché, but it is 100 percent true.
I came to college as a shy and timid freshman from an extremely small high school. I didn't know many people on campus and for most of my first semester, I kept to myself, except for the few close friends I did make. Spring semester and rush week rolls around. I couldn't tell you the exact reason why I rushed, but I can tell you I am so glad I did.
Little did I know that the moment I flipped my letters and all of my new sisters rushed the stage to welcome me home, my life would change forever.
Over the next three and a half years, I experienced many highs and lows. Luckily those highs outweighed the lows, but even in my lowest moments, I knew there would always be that loving support of my sisterhood who had my back. Whether it was a late night study session in the library during finals week or a heart to heart talk in the chapter room, I knew there was a sister who would be there for me.
While my experience was overwhelmingly positive, it breaks my heart to see all of the negative publicity Greek life receives through the news and social media. Nine times out of ten, the story is about a recent hazing incident gone awry or an alleged sexual assault and not about how a Greek community gave back to their campus or community. But it's time for all of us, whether Greek or non-Greek, to help end the stigma.
It doesn’t matter if people give me weird looks when they found out I was a “sorority girl” or when they make the comment “Oh, I didn’t know you were one of those girls.” Sure it does upset me they would jump to assumptions about me based on their preconceived notions, but I would never trade my experiences for anything.
Being part of a sorority is so much more than wearing fabric letters on a t-shirt or chanting across campus. It is more than raising money for your charity or having someone to sit with during lunch. It is more than anything that people could try to explain to you. A sorority is a feeling of sisterhood and a commitment to those women. A sorority is a lifelong bond with women who will always be there for you, even if thousands of miles separate you. A sorority is the feeling of home and belonging.
Sorority life gave me way more than I could have ever imagined, and I will forever be thankful for that. It taught me how to come out of my shell. It taught me how to be a leader. It taught me how to push myself personally, professionally and academically. It taught me how to love everyone, honor my words and actions, and be true to myself.
I am proud to call these women my sisters. I am proud to be a part of an organization that gives so much to the community. I am proud to wear my letters. I am proud to call myself an alumna.