My love, it's crazy to think that when we are reading this we will be married, two souls together at last! When I am writing this know I have no idea who you are even though I think and dream about you all the time. I am daydreaming as an almost 18-year-old about what love will feel like. More like what our love will be like.
Writing this now I wonder how we met, if we even liked each other at first, what you look like, and what you are like. It's crazy that when we read this together when we are married when I am your wife, these questions will be answered and sweet, potentially funny stories we will look back on. Perhaps you will be my first kiss or the first kiss that matters.
My love, I know you have the biggest heart and a heart full of gold that makes the world a brighter and happier place. I hope to be as kind as you are. You will be so kind, I wonder how I will ever be as great as you, but even when I have my doubts you will reassure me that I am as kind as you.
I know you will comfort me when I am anxious, depressed, or sad. When I'm angry you won't get mad, but cuddle me so tight and talk whatever problem we have calmly and maturely. You will bring me back to reality even if I can't get back as fast. When you get upset I will be there as your rock, and comfort you, or give you your space if you don't feel like talking. Even if you are mad, I will be there to comfort you and make you feel better.
During the worst times I know we will be a great team and even if we don't have many things, the one thing we will have is our love and each other, which is richer than all the goods.
I know our love won't be the perfect fairytale, but it will be our love story. We will travel the world and have so many adventures. We will spoil each other and make one another feel so special. Even if our adventures mean getting lost, that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. We will have our own traditions like being especially intimate on Fridays or going on a picnic. They will be sweet and really cute. I will know your drink, ice cream, and other orders. You will know I don't like caffeinated beverages even though I wish I did and that I love milk and cookies from Ben and Jerry's.
So my love, as I am writing this at 1:41 in the morning know I love you madly, even when I'm angry and hormonal. I pray for my bashert, that hopefully, G-d will bring you into my life soon. I hope you enjoyed this letter and know that these words came from my soul.
Love, Sarah (insert married last name here)