Dear Bubba,
I say my "not-so-little" brother because even though you are two years younger, you are still much taller and stronger than I am. Also, you are always asked if you're the older sibling. I know the last year and a half has been a little rough with me going off to college. It's crazy to think that you are now a senior in high school. In less than a year you will be half way across the country as a freshman in college and I will still be in small town, central Illinois as a junior in college. I love that you are asking for my help with college applications, but at the same time I'm not ready to only be able to see you during holidays.
Growing up we always heard "at the end of the day your brother/sister is all you have." I don't think I will ever hear a phrase more true than that. You have been my best friend since day one. You were the one who would help with my reckless stunts or I would yours. I was always the one you went to when you needed help on your homework or with girls. More so, you were the one I went to when I needed advise or needed to rant about my day.
There were times where we would fight, and not just the usual sibling bickering; we have actually pushed each other down stairs. No matter what though, ten minutes later, it was as if nothing ever happened. Some people cannot stand their siblings, but I don't know where I would be with out you. I am so proud of all of the things you have accomplished so far in high school. You are an incredible athlete, student, and leader. I can't wait to see all of the amazing things you do in the rest of your senior year and in college!
Keep kicking butt.
Your (not-so-big) big sister.