Dear baby brother,
You are far from a baby standing at 6 feet 2 inches with scruff that I think is your attempt at a beard. To me, however, you will always be my baby brother no matter how much bigger you are than I am. I am so glad that I can honestly call you one of my best friends, and don’t tell anyone I said this -- you are the funniest person I know and you know how to get that deep belly laugh out of me every time. Thanks for helping me be a happy person.
Now, you know we fight too because, after all, we are still siblings. But we’ve never stayed angry at each other, I just don’t think that’s something we are capable of doing. At least it’s not something I’m capable of doing. You’ve always been my weak spot and I even went after a kid in the MacDonald’s play place when we were little who made you cry. No one messes with my little brother, though now I think you may be able to handle yourself now. That’s actually been the thing I’ve struggled with most. I know how smart you are and that you can do things for yourself and figure out your own problems but it’s so hard for me not to intervene.
That leads me to the point of this letter. We are about to go to school with each other for the last time as you start your first year at CSU, and I start my last. It’s definitely bittersweet. I’ve already noticed myself micromanaging you. Have you talked to your roommate on who’s bringing the mini fridge and who’s bringing the microwave? You need to take your math placement test. Why don’t I just go dorm shopping with you so I can tell you what to get. I mean the list goes on and on. As you can tell it’s really hard for me to not just do everything for you and I think the fact that I registered for your classes for you tells you that I sometimes fail.
Please be patient with me and realize I just want to help you know all the things I’ve learned, and you may need to remind me that you have to figure these things out for yourself. I also want to ask you not to take advantage of me wanting to help you either. Don’t ask me to do your laundry, and don’t come over to my place and eat me out of house and home because you know I will allow these things, but I shouldn’t, so please don’t make me Mom.
If you need a safe ride home from a party and RamRide is taking forever, then I’m your girl. If you’re struggling in your classes and don’t know where to get help or just need a study buddy, you know you can call me. I’m also always down to go get food and trust me at this point I know all the good places and can be a very valuable asset in this area. I just want to help you do you buddy. You are going to have so much fun in college it’s ridiculous and I can’t wait to hear all your stories. I bet you this just may be my favorite year of college because it’s the year I get to spend with my brother and not a lot of people get to party it up with their sibling at college so lucky you right?! I love you, buddy, and I can’t wait for our little adventure.
Your 5 foot 4 inch big sister.
P.S. I’m really proud of you.