​Dear Mr. President | The Odyssey Online
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​Dear Mr. President

My letter to Donald Trump.

​Dear Mr. President
Peta Pixel

Okay Mr. President,

You obviously want to be the man. You want to be that dude. You want to be the guy that makes America great again; and I think I know exactly how you want to do it. Despite your egregious rhetoric and petty clap backs you really want to be the 5th man on Mount Rushmore.

We all know you are narcissistic which I believe is a quality given to you at birth, correct me if I’m wrong. Also due to your ‘birth-quality’ you are constantly criticized. To me you seem stubborn; a man who refuses to grow up and respect the feelings of others. You don't believe in filtering your language because to you, telling it like it is more effective than telling lies.

However, Mr. President, it is not what you say, it's how you say it and you need some training on the ‘how’ part. You have to remember your past comments and take ownership of them so you can stop victimizing yourself. Oh and you seem like an embellisher, a huge one, due to your yearn to be perceived as the best, but please correct me if i'm wrong; I don't want to tell you who you are. That just seems like you in a nutshell, and many other blunt people in this world. You are no different; you are a human and I see that.

But how do you want to make America great again? Well I've listened to your inaugural speech and I think I might have an idea. When I reviewed your speech, it seemed like a pessimistic description of America; tied with a bow of Tumptomisim, or Trump-optimism. You know, although this country is in bad shape you are here to fix it with your policies; which are business inspired I’m sure.

While reviewing your your speech I dug up the key points to how you want to make America great. Your speech was an unfiltered, cheeky, aerial view of the USA; meaning you’re not completely wrong but you ain't right. To shorten down and slightly clean up your 16 minute rant; once again correct me if I’m wrong, you plan to fix poverty by bringing back factories, you want to fix the education system, eliminate crimes, gangs and the ‘American Carnage.’ You want to strengthen our army and get rid of soldiers assisting our allies overseas and build a wall to protect our country from illegal immigrants.

You want to make America richer, you want to build up the middle class by eliminating and bringing back outsourced labor, you want to fix the roads, get Americans off welfare, bring back ‘Made in the USA’ tags, create allies, obliterate ISIL all while eliminating prejudice with patriotism. You want to have disagreements but stay in solidarity, no empty talk, space trips and uniting us by the same red blood we bleed and not separating us by our skin tones.

You want to put America first, almost like a foster mother who has taken care of foster children all her life and has now decided to eat right, purchase a new wardrobe and get her hair, nails and toes done before helping the kids with their homework.

Nice Rhetoric Mr. President. America really does needs some change, but I hope you realize there are consequences to putting yourself first all the time, and that being kind and helpful can benefit us in the long run. I have some tips for you, don’t shut everyone out Trump, stay quiet with your plans (i.e. Mexico pay for wall) and understand why politicians speak with a sly tongue. It might just help you get your job done. I am rooting for you, although I didn't vote for you.

Although I am rooting for you I am not a fool. It seems like, and correct me if I’m wrong, distractions are a key component to your game. While you had the news preoccupied with your voter fraud statements during the congressional meeting Monday morning, the very next day you signed an executive order for the the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline. The same oil pipeline Obama rejected weeks before.You also signed to limit the duration of the government’s environmental and public safety review for proposed industrial projects. Meaning the time to determine whether something is bad for the public and the environment will be limited. Should there be a time constraint on that? Isn’t our safety more important than getting the job done? What scares me about this situation is what the you said after the signing.According to Press Reader, you said “we’re going to make it a very short process, and we’re going to either give you your permits or we're not going to give you your permits… and generally speaking, we are going to be giving you your permits.” WHAT? So you’re saying the process will be quicker, but the government will still be weighing out the environmental and health factors, but you guys will ultimately hand out permits? Sounds like a self-serving money making tactic masked as a pro-job initiative to me, but what do I know I just look at the facts. Mr. President I am scared of you.
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