To every single one of us, he was something. To some of us, he meant everything. He knew that
with his profession that he would get into the chaotic world of crazy. He knew there would be
actions that he would have to face and deal with, which was not an easy or simple task nor was it
"There's two things you have to do: Face it head on and take it on fiercely," he'd say.
This you could apply to anything. Friends, family, work, education, life.. He did it so effortlessly.
Nick was the type of person that you don't see often in life. He was caring, kind, loving, and a
stern "ruling with an iron fist" type when he needed to be. He was the type of sibling that would
do anything and everything, including waking up and driving 8 hours just to come pick you up for
72 hours before having to go back to the suck. He was the type of best friend that you could ask
to help carry you home when you've had one too many because you just had ended what could've
been a marriage. He was the leader that we all knew he could be even when he chose to stay in
ranks alongside his second family.
It is said that an honorable hero confesses their weaknesses to their enemies. Although Nick
never liked to show his weaknesses or ask for help, you could tell through his eyes that there was
something more you could do to help him and learn something in the process about yourself as
well. He was a fighter. He overcame obstacles that sometimes I thought was impossible for him
to dig himself out of. He fought until his "darkness" finally took its toll over him.
A hero suffers in silence and that is what my brother did. Even though with all of the help and
encouragement he was getting, there was something missing in his life: purpose. Even after
coming home for good, Nick alike others of his caliber-- some of you that are sitting here even
know what it's like to not feel like there's a purpose. You have a purpose as a father, mother,
brother, sister, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, niece, nephew, son, daughter, but no purpose
as yourself. Ultimately, it can get to the point of losing purpose of everything else.
He loved so fiercely and so unconditionally as a father. Mikaya and Elena, your daddy loved you
so much that everytime he would call me when he was over with Uncle Marc and Auntie Tina that
I would see a photo of the three of you stuck on the top of his bunk bed right above his head, so
the both of you could watch over him overnight. There was never a time where he was more
proud when the both of you sent him his care package with all the dolls with teacups to play tea
time with you and the drawings and bracelet you would draw and make for him. He never took off
his bracelet, which he got in trouble very much for, but it was worth it to him.
He loved so passionately and vigorously as a husband. It is crazy how much my brother was
when it came to you Ang. From the moment he saw you walking towards us, he knew you were
going to make an honest man out of him. Everyone else before never caught his eye like you did.
From then on, he never looked at anyone the same as he did you. I only hope to see someone
with that clarity and with so much passion as he did towards you. I remember when the day
came for him to propose to you and he looked at me with eyes of clarity as if he were about to
make the biggest deal of his life. Little did he know that you would soon be giving him two
daughters with hope still for a son. Despite his jokingly remarks, he would never admit to you, but
was honored and blessed for you to give him his most precious angels. He was more blessed
that you stuck with him until his last.
We are here today to remember the greatest moments and the toughest defeats of Nick's life. He
wants us to remind ourselves that life is so precious and so gifted that we must not take it for
granted. He wants us to realize that we must stand together even in the face of darkness and
help those kind souls that happen to be stuck within its strands. Lean on each other. Care for
each other. Love each other.
We will all miss you, Nick. You're with us in our hearts and within our souls. May you find peace.