1.Funny moments in my life
·I saw some joggers and I was just like what are you running from.
·I find myself standing in front of a vending machine chanting cheezits, cheezits in my head at 12am. I feel possessed by cravings.
·I am the college hermit, I am used to being by myself in my dorm room and doing hermit like things like laying on my floor with all my trash littered around me and only getting up to move over to the fridge to grab a container of vegetable butter and to dip pieces of bread right into it just because I can dip into the container and use as much butter spread as I want, because no one is there to tell me different. But I am not always a hermit trust me...just recently lol. In fact I'm probably getting a roommate soon, uh oh I need to change my ways.
·This funny life moment is thanks to Jim Gaffigan the comedian who said something along the lines of “You know what’s stupid is those signs that tell you to play dead if you see a bear. I mean what’s that going to do to stop a hungry bear who sees you just fall over pretending to be dead, it will just help them get you easier. How do you even play dead? (Gaffigan proceeds to tilt his head sideways and closes his eyes). You know who I think wrote that rule, the bears. Lie down don’t move and cover yourself with honey-says the bear. And the times when you do hear of a person who got killed by a bear how do you not know that they didn’t play dead maybe they were the best at playing dead.”-quoted from memory
.This article is the final joke me trying to be a comedian because I'm not even that funny. Haha.
But hey thanks for reading.