Getting up at 4:30 sounds like the worst idea that anyone could ever come up with. If you’re not a morning person (and even if you are), it is the last idea you want to think about if you consider changing your schedule.
It turns out that there are tons of benefits to getting up super early. Some of which are the hours of productivity that you can obtain when you rise before the sun - and that was exactly what I needed.
I am here to tell you about my journey from waking up at 6:30 in the morning exhausted and with no energy to 4:30 in the morning with all the energy in the world!
How I Heard About It
My first time hearing about this lifestyle change was during an interview with a guy that started a group of people on getting up earlier than anyone else normally would. It wasn’t easy, but they got through it, and they had nothing but good things to say about it.
After hearing this interview, I decided that I wanted to do this myself. After all, I was not being nearly as productive as I wanted to be in my day, and I thought that this might solve my problem. I knew the challenge that I was getting myself into, but it would be worth the sacrifice.
Day 1
My first day of waking up to this new time was the absolute worst. My body was used to getting up slowly and eventually getting ready for the day. This day, however, was going to be different.
My first recommendation to you if you do this is to get rid of the snooze button. It is your enemy. Don’t push it, don’t activate it, don’t even consider it. I find that my brain was used to just getting up at a slower pace because of the snooze button. When I got rid of it, I got used to being wide awake every morning, with the first alarm.
When I finally got done getting ready, I realized that I still had two hours before I had to go to work! That’s when the fun part comes in. All of the work and projects that I needed to get done for my clients and other miscellaneous items were completely finished by the time I had to leave. And that was just the beginning!
I went the whole day wide awake, full of energy, and more productive than I had ever been. I thought to myself, if this is what it feels like to get up early, I have to do it again!
I woke up the next day with more vigor and passion for getting things done, and I had done more in those two hours than I had ever done throughout the week! It was the most exhilarating experience I had ever had.
I have been going about this for a couple of days, so I will be updating you guys as I go. If you have ever had a dream or desire to change, just go for it. You’ll be glad you did!
More updates to follow!