2017, I hope you are a better year than 2016. A lot of people seemed to have a rough year. I am standing here open arms, open heart and open mind for this new year and to see what it has in store. I look forward to all that you hold: the good, the bad, and even the ugly. 2016 was a pretty good year for me, but I hope you treat me and others even better and here our a few requests for this new year.
For 2017 I hope:
1. The people that need to find their way, find it.
2. To be confident in the person that I am and going to be.
3. To be a better person that I was yesterday.
4. For the world to grow kindness and thoughtfulness.
5. To start living and loving wholeheartedly.
6. To find happiness as I did in 2016.
7. Learn to let go of things that I cannot control or change.
8. To grow in my faith.
9. To become more selfless, and be motivated to do more for others.
11. For less animals to be abused and abandoned.
12. To love as I want to be loved.
13. To find success in school, and the army.
14. For people to become more compassionate and more understanding towards one another.
15. For the homeless, to find shelter.
16. For less and less children go to bed hungry.
17. For those that are struggling internally, help them overcome their battles.
18. For people to be grateful for what they have and not complain for what they don't have.
19. For the world to to stop judging others based on their gender, race, religion, and sexual preference.
20. For people to stop acting out of hate.
2017. I have faith in you that you will change people for the better. Please don't let me down.