I have always been a space movie fan. Movies like The Martian and Interstellar have always been some of my favorites because of the idea of space and all the scientific and futuristic feels to these type of movies! After seeing the trailer for Passengers for the first time, I expected the movie to be just like the others! A typical interesting and thrilling real-life experience through space! However, after seeing this movie, I was not very impressed with what was shown in the trailer vs. the actual movie.
At first, you believe that both of the "passengers" who woke up early were woken up for a "reason" as the trailer shows. However, the male character, also known as Jim, was just woken up because a huge meteor hit the ship. And, the trailer also shows that Aurora, the female character was woken up from the same accident. Even though this is not portrayed in the trailer, Jim actually stays awake alone for a whole year until he actually wakes Aurora up, basically "murdering" her. That part shocked me a lot. From the trailer, I expected there to be a creepy reason as to why they both woke up but it just turned out to be a natural cause and one of the characters basically murdering the other.
Although there was some romance and humor throughout the whole movie which helped its case a little, I can not get over how the movie was ended. Throughout the movie after they both wake up, it becomes very romantic until Aurora finds out the real reason she was awake. Then, there becomes lots of struggles not only between the two characters, but also issues with the actual ship. They work together to find out the big cause and end up saving the ship, both putting their lives on the line. Lots of drama and dramatics happen through the "climax" of the movie, and Jim almost dies, until Aurora basically saves his life (Why, I am not sure because just days before she hated him for basically killing her).
After all the drama ends and Jim and Aurora are both alive, they continue their research on how they can survive as long as possible (the ship is still 88 years away from arriving at this moment in the movie). They research and Jim discovers that one of them can stay in the infirmary pod and actually hibernate until they arrive to the planet (Homestead II) and continue their life!
BUT NEITHER OF THEM USE IT AND DECIDE TO DIE TOGETHER ON THE SHIP. I really thought there was going to be some type of resolution or they were going to each use it and trade off who gets it when. However, they both decide to live their lives out on the ship and fall back in love with each other. I was hoping for a happy ending, but instead, the end of the movie just fast forwards 88 years and shows the crew members waking up to a ship full of agriculture and no more Jim and Aurora. Kind of a sad and disappointing way for the movie to end in my opinion, because I had been rooting for these characters to stay alive most of the movie!
This definitely wins the award for trailer looked way better than what the actual movie was, but don't make this article shy away from you going to see it! It still was very humorous and at some points, interesting. I just had way higher hopes for the movie and expected a lot more.