I am always so eager to book a vacation and escape all of my "problems" and "stresses." I want to leave my "boring town" and see new places, different faces. I make myself believe that I'll want to be away forever but the reality of the matter is, I don't.
No, I don't have a Kardashian mansion. I live in your typical suburban home, but I love my home. I love everything about it. Every knick and cranny, every scratch on the hardwood floor. They all make it mine. I didn't always feel this way though.
The older I grow and the more mature I become, I'm realizing just how important my home is to me. I don't need to dorm and leave my favorite place ever to get the 'college experience.' When I was given the opportunity to dorm or to stay home, the answer was plain and simple to me. So as the famous song goes, these are a few of my favorite things (about my lovely home).
1. Home is where the Wi-Fi is, yes fast internet service, post away!
Nobody does Wi-Fi quite like you own house. Walking into your home and seeing those four lines fill up is truly one of the best things.
2. Sticky floors
Anywhere else this would be gross but for some strange reason my house's sticky floors calms me (maybe I'm just weird).
3. Climbing into my clean sheets after a long day.
4. Momma's cooking!
Why on earth would I want to leave my mom's amazing ooey-gooey lasagna every Sunday? Let's be real, even if I wanted to leave I'm held captive by my Mom's lasagna.
5. My parents
Home will always be where my parents raised me. Coming home to my parents is the best way to feel loved. All of their rules and guidelines... They make a home a home.
6. Getting really excited for my older siblings to come back home.
Just like the good old days. Hearing them knock on the door and come in is one of the best feelings. It's like reliving your childhood.
7. Refrigerator is always stocked with my favorites.
For me, it's rocky road ice-cream, waffles, and my favorite chocolate almond milk. You won't find a fridge stocked with your favorites anywhere else but home.
8. My privacy
Now, a lot of people leave home for this reason. Maybe I just have a different outlook on things. Home is my privacy from the public. After going out all day, kicking off my shoes and putting my feet up in the comfort of my own living room. That is privacy.
9. My bathroom
Vacation showers, or any other shower that's not mine, skeeve me out. Public restrooms, UM YUCK! Besides, who ever said they wanted to take a number two in the privacy of their public restroom? Yeah, no one.
10. Family
Call me old fashioned but sitting at my little circular dinette table every night makes me happy and always gives me a sense off comfort.
Yeah, living in a totally new atmosphere... with complete strangers.. and foreign meals... that's fun. However, Dorothy said it best. There really is no place like home. Home cooked meals, comfy couches, clean sheets, and my family's laughter, even fights sometimes, will never be something I will deliberately try to escape from. Of course one day I'll have to move on out, but until that day comes, I am totally content in my home. It will always be my home. The things that make up my home are nothing short of priceless to me.