When you are in high school, you never expect that your friendships stay with the person forever. Many things can happen when you move to another state, and you grow up. Some people lose connection with their best friends, but some remain intact. Marc Inchell has always been the person that never changed with me. The characteristics of a best friend he has them all, which are honesty, loyalty, patience, trust, and love. I love how Marc builds you up instead of down. Having a best friend is part of the best friend who cannot bring you down as an individual. He is not toxic at all.
I have had toxic relationships in high school, but thankfully I ended them before it was TOO late. Finding a best friend is hard nowadays because some people forgot the meaning of true friendship. Nowadays, people are your friends based on what you have or what you look like outside. I honestly don't care about that stuff; if I see something that is not branded, I'll buy it. I don't care. Marc is so down to earth and never lost his touch in humanity.
Marc has a golden heart. I remember when four years ago we use to have pool parties at my house. He was the only real person in the group of friends who invited the rest of them where fake bitches.
Marc always gives me positive advice, and when I need to vent, I call him or when I need to tell him a story I call him. He always helps me excel and become a better person. He also has a YouTube channel Thatsoinchell check it out. Marc taught me that real beauty is within if you are beautiful from the outside but horrendous in the inside what type of person you are? Do you always need to think about what you can offer to this world? And how you can help others.
Marc is an angel, he is selfless, honest, and one of the best friends that I have, and I will keep him a best friend until I get married. I want Marc to be at my wedding. I can trust Marc with my deepest secrets because he will never go behind my back telling people my business. Is important to me to trust who I tell my things to. Thank you Marc for being one of my truest best friends.