When you look at my mom you might see a, small, short, blonde haired, beautiful women. But what you don’t see when you look at her is strength and intelligence she holds. My mom loves to help others and she is one of the best at it. Growing up I was way too stubborn to realize that my mother was shaping me to be the women I am today. Although she would probably argue that I “never listen to her” or “never wanna hangout with her” or “you only come to me when you need something.” Which are pretty typical sayings moms who were raising a teenage daughter would say. But I can also guarantee raising me was not a walk in the park. Although I never had a detention, got in trouble with the law, or failed a class and the only time I was in the principal's office was when I was receiving an award, I did like to sass my poor mother every now and then. Okay maybe more than that.
As I moved on to college and started growing up and finding myself, I realize how damn thankful I was to be raised by the women I proudly call my mother. Because of her I know when to put my foot down and when to let things go. I know how to be respectful and when to be the bigger person. I have the ability to get through any obstacle life throws my way. But most importantly because of her I have such a big and loving heart. I love with everything I have, I want the best for those around me and will do anything to make sure everybody is happy and I have her to thank for that.
This past year has been one of the worst years of my life, and one of the few people that NEVER gave up on me was my mom. She stood by my side every step of the way but with just enough distance to let me find myself in the process. Not for a moment, not even for a second did she doubt me, and that’s one of the many reasons I am so very thankful to have such an amazing mom in my life. Every time I leave home to go back up to school the goodbyes get harder and harder as my mom and I get closer and closer. I miss my mom everyday, and I know she misses me but I also know how proud she is of me and that gets me going everyday. My mom is not just my mom, or my idol, she is my hero.