The world of "My Hero Academia" is based on a large portion of the population having "Quirks" or supernatural abilities. The main character Izuku Midoriya is one of the few who doesn't have any type of Quirk, so he was bullied by his peers for being "Quirkless."
Ever since he could talk, he has looked up to the greatest hero of their time, "All Might" and hopes to be a hero just like him, even though he was born without a Quirk. His drive and determination to achieve this goal don't allow him to back down even in the face of his bullies who mock him for it.
By chance, Izuku meets All Might and All Might is inspired by this boy who faces adversity with seemingly nothing except his drive to save those in need. Even when all the heroes could do nothing, this boy ran right in the middle of all the chaos to try and save his classmate. Seeing this, the hero All Might be inspired to make Izuku the successor of his Quirk, One For All. We don't always get rewards for being who we are (even though in this case Izuku did) but we do get the satisfaction that maybe we are inadvertently inspiring someone else.
Izuku is unable to control One For All because his body is only able to handle 5% of the power (if he goes above the limit, he damages the part of his body that he used with the power) so he is constantly finding ways to overcome his obstacles without using his Quirk. He is able to be quick on his feet without being complacent to the fact that he has a Quirk that is considered quite powerful. This also requires a great amount of tenacity since he is competing against people who can freely use their Quirks.
But, even someone like this has their own insecurities, which makes him all the more inspiring. He doesn't believe the rewards he earns are by his own ability, rather he feels that he is constantly supported by the people around him. However, he does not use this as a crutch, instead, he tries his best to stop relying on those people so much by bettering his own physical capabilities.
Izuku isn't the only character to be reckoned with in this anime, the people who are in his class have developed so much since the beginning and each has something to teach viewers. Tenya Iida looks up to his older brother and is constantly trying to reach new levels by pushing the limits of his capabilities. He doesn't get disheartened if someone beats him in competition rather he learns from those experiences. Ochako Uraraka is someone who would be considered weaker in their world because she does not have the typical combat-type Quirk. Though she feels as though she's behind everyone else and that she relies on Izuku, she keeps trying to improve herself to be more self-reliant and figure out different ways to beat villains with her Quirk.
Seeing Izuku in a world where everyone seemingly is more capable than him, his drive and determination to become like the hero he looks up to is really admirable. It's easy for me to see how that translates to my life, allowing me to feel more encouraged when it seems like everyone is doing better than I am.