My heart breaks for humanity.
My heart breaks for the 11 million who don’t have the right paper to be considered as human;
They may lose their safety.
My heart breaks for the 3.3 million who don’t have the right religion to be as free as me;
They may lose their freedom to believe.
My heart breaks for the 15 million who lose the right to health;
They may lose their lives.
My heart breaks for the 17.7 million women and 2.78 million men who must live knowing their assault was advocated for;
They may lose their hope.
My heart breaks for the 48.9 million that saw disability mocked and felt the personal sting;
They may lose their courage.
My heart breaks for the 37 million, 2 million, 14 million, 50 million people who are terrified because of the legitimization of racism;
They may lose their rights.
My heart breaks for the 9 million who feel like less of a person because who they love or how they identify;
They may lose their equality.
My heart breaks for the poor in spirit,
For those who mourn,
For the meek,
For those who seek righteousness,
For the merciful,
For the pure of heart,
For the peacemakers,
And for the persecuted;
For hey may lose their hope.
My heart breaks for humanity.
A man didn't win.
A group didn't win.
Humanity didn't win.
Hate won.
Ignorance won.
Fear won.
Empathy lost.
Love lost.
Unity lost.
My heart breaks.
I will not ignore the injustice done to others;
No matter their papers,
Their religion,
Their economic status,
Their hurts,
Their disabilities,
Their skin color,
Their sexuality or gender,
Their differences from me.
I will fight
Because my heart breaks.
I worship a God who fought for the marginalized,
The abused,
The outsider.
I will fight like Him.
My heart breaks.
His heart breaks.
This world is full of sound and fury,
All signifying nothing.
I will not simply strut and fret my hour upon the stage.
I will not listen to this tale told by an idiot.
I will not be this walking shadow.
I will be heard.
We will be heard.
My heart breaks.
Our hearts break.
My heart breaks for humanity,
Because humanity is broken.
We cannot stay this way.