I am from Colorado, but more specifically that dirt road in Grand Lake. I am from two-hour road trips singing at the top of my lungs and arguing with my sisters. I am from "come here doll" and "it needs a little more salt." I am from starry nights and enormous campfires. I am from rope swings and s'mores. I am from uncles making way too much fun of me and aunts always there to make me feel better. I am from belly laughs and scraped knees. I am from "you better not be riding that ATV too fast" and "you better not fall into that river again." I am from early morning unsuccessful fishing trips with my grandpa. I am from my mom and my grandma braiding my hair way too tight. I am from all day boating trips and cookouts. I am from games of Uno and golf where I never win. I am from Friday nights at Bingo and trips to the ice cream shop where the winner always buys. I am from cap guns and fairy houses. I am from rundown mini golf courses and crazy bumper boat rides. I am from puppy kisses and shooting star wishes. I am from biscuits sand gravy and homemade burritos. I am from rope swings and hikes to cabins.
But mostly I am from lessons learned the hard way, lots of love, more laughter than I can handle, and the most amazing crazy beautiful place in the world. Everyone should find their very own dirt road home to call home.