Thanksgiving The Hawaiian Way | The Odyssey Online
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Thanksgiving The Hawaiian Way

Thanksgiving break doesn't always mean you have to stay home and spend time with family.

Thanksgiving The Hawaiian Way
Xelexus Ryan

On day one, it wasn't very fun. Most of it was just traveling. Our seats got mixed up on the plane, and so we were switching around until I was finally sitting by my family. We were able to ride first class on the aircraft out to Denver from Wichita. We then arrived in Honolulu, Oahu around 4:00 p.m. We then drove around for a while looking at the sites. Then around dinner time, we all ate at Ruth Chris Steakhouse. We finally got to the hotel and fell asleep around 8:30 p.m. (four hours less than Kansas).

On day two, it was a pretty relax day. We woke up at 7 in the morning. I drank Hawaiian coffee for the first time - which tasted delicious. I love coffee. We all decided later in the day to go shopping; so we walked around, and I found a stunning pearl ring, so I bought it. After that, we decided to drive all the way to Kailua to visit a family friend. While driving down Kahili Highway, there were beautiful hills with fog on top of them. When we arrived, we helped organize her house because she had just moved in. Later on, we all decided to go grocery shopping, and I was able to buy Hawaiian chocolates and chocolate covered coffee beans. I will admit that the coffee beans were not my favorite, and I wouldn't recommend them to anyone; although, the chocolates tasted amazing. After a long day with our family friend, we all headed back to our hotel. We then decided to go shopping again because we had time to kill. I ended up buying earrings, two necklaces, and a mug (I collect mugs everywhere I go). Then that night we ended up going to a luau. I ended up playing a target and spear game, but I wasn't the best at it. There were all kinds of fun tropical drinks wich tasted fantastic. Then the show started. It rained on us for half of the show, but it was still fantastic.

On the third day, we all woke up at 5:30 a.m. and waited for the bus to pick us up to see the Pearl Harbor Museum. When we got there, we went and saw the USS Arizona and the Missouri ship. We also were able to go inside the submarines. After all the sightseeing, we decided to relax by going to the beach. It started to rain after a while, though, and so I headed back and took a nap. Later, we all left around 1:45 p.m. to go on a train ride that boarded at 3:00 p.m.. We then stopped on the train headed back to the station to get ice cream. I had the Hawaiian Mud Slide. It was delicious. Then for dinner, we ate at a restaurant in a very expensive hotel called Four Seasons.

On the fourth day, I went surfing for two hours with an instructor. Most of the time, it was raining. When learning, I stood up on the second to third try which is very impressive. Surfing was a great experience, and I enjoyed it very much. Afterward, I went back to the hotel to clean up so we could drive around and sight-see. I don't remember much though because I was so exhausted that I passed out in the car. Later for lunch, we stopped at an Italian restaurant called Pizza Corner. I ate beef ravioli, and it was exquisite. Then we went back to the hotel and were done for the day.

On day five, I woke up at 8:00 am and packed everything. We then headed to a new island called Hawaii, Hawaii. I have always wanted to see a black sand beach, and so they took me there. It was rockier and more for pictures than anything else. We then headed to out new hotel named The Volcano House.After we had settled in there, My family and I headed to a coffee bean farm. We were able to experience how they make their coffee. I also bought myself fresh coffee beans. Then we headed back to the hotel, ate dinner, and the day ended.

On day six, I woke up around 8:00 a.m., and we walked inside a rainforest. Inside the rainforest, there was this lava tube that you were able to walk in (basically like a cave). We then hiked on a bunch of trails for several miles. We experienced learning about the volcanoes at the Volcano Museum. After our day, we headed to a local Italian restaurant named Ohelo. I would give excellent reviews on this restaurant. When we came back to the hotel, it was dark outside, so we were able to watch the red steam from the lava coming out of the volcano. Then we packed to leave for home the next day.

On the seventh day, we loaded up the car packed full of luggage and headed out. On the way to the airport, we still had time to kill, so we stopped at a lot of breathtaking waterfalls. Then we went to the airport and got checked in. Afterward, we ate our Thanksgiving meal which consisted of hot dogs, mac and cheese, and water to drink. Then we headed back to Wichita, Kansas.

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