"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" is what they tell us, yet even I can't stand the sight of myself. I mask myself in makeup so that my good side is the only side you'll get to see and that's the only side I can stand to see.
Today we have put so much emphasis on appearance and more importantly the art of deceiving how we look. We wear makeup to cover up the insecurities on the outside to help the insecurities on the inside. Makeup has evolved so much that we can come out looking like a glazed donut. But for who? Many girls (including myself) say it's for themselves, but is it really? I was thinking if I was the only one on the Earth would I still do my makeup? The answer I told myself was yes, but it is a double-edged sword. I wear makeup because I like it and I think I look better with it. That is what I've made myself think. I've made myself think that beauty is makeup. I've made myself think that beauty is long eyelashes and an even skin tone.
Next is my body. I look in the mirror, and I see love handles, big thighs, and an unappealing physique. I stand there ripping apart every inch of my body, but why? I have told myself body is not the ideal body, it is not the one society has created. It doesn't just stop here, though. My external insecurities start to become internal. Because I think I am ugly on the outside, it starts to turn me ugly on the inside. It makes me envy girls I see who don't have love handles or bigger thighs. It makes me envy girls I see without high cheek bones and a big nose. However, most of the girls I envy are ones I do not even know. They are the ones I've seen on TV, came across on Twitter, liked on Instagram or maybe seen in a magazine. It is usually the women who are not realistic. Still, there are some I envy that I do know. One being my older sister; with a body that is the exact opposite of mine - a tiny waist, slim legs, no love handles, no big nose - she still deals with insecurities. Why is this such a pattern?
Beauty is defined as "a combination of qualities such as shape, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses." Nowhere does it say that beauty is a size two with a flat stomach, abs, perfect eyebrows or long legs. Every person has been stitched together with their own set of DNA (which is incredible in itself) which means no two persons are the same. Why would we define beauty as one thing? One type of body type, one type of face shape? Beauty is broad and you can definite yourself because you are beautiful in YOUR own way.
None of this goes to say that makeup is bad or that an unhealthy body is the way to go. This goes to say that we as a society have idolized a certain way a woman should look, but who are we to set those guidelines?
I love makeup, and I love being healthy. However, I have also come to terms with knowing you can be healthy without being skin and bones or having ripped abs. I have learned that you can be beautiful without a caked on face. While physical appearance has some to do with attractiveness, it is not all. You see, outward appearances will fade no matter how hard we try for them no to, but inward beauty lasts forever - even when you are old and wrinkly. Inward beauty is how you make people feel; it is the impact you have on people. Outward appearance does not have that ability.
Always remember, inward beauty is what will last long after you are gone.